Did the devil obey Jesus? Do we?

. What food did Jesus give to Judas before The First Communion?


Question 1: “Why should we ask: ‘Was the devil once more obedient to Jesus than some people are?’

Answer: “Today’s Reading, Jn 13:21-30, makes us ask! ‘Reclining at table with his disciples, Jesus was deeply troubled and testified, ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, one of you will betray me.’


Question 2: “What happened?”

Answer: “‘The disciples looked at one another, at a loss as to whom He meant. One of his disciples, the one whom Jesus loved, was reclining at Jesus’ side. So Simon Peter nodded to him to find out whom He meant. He leaned back against Jesus’ chest and said to Him, ‘Master, who is it?’


Question 3: “Did Jesus identify His disobedient betrayer?”

Answer: “‘Jesus answered, ‘It is the one to whom I hand the morsel after I have dipped it.” So he dipped the morsel and took it and handed it to Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot.’


Question 4: “What did Jesus ‘dip’ the ‘morsel’ into?

Answer: “The ‘hottest sauce’ in the History of Cooking!”


Question 5: “Was Satan at The Last Supper?”

Answer: “Yes. ‘After Judas took the ‘morsel’, Satan entered him. Therefore, Jesus gave His Order to both Judas and Satan, “What you are going to do, do quickly.’


Question 6: “What did Satan do?”

Answer: “He did as Jesus commanded! He made Judas leave ‘quickly’ and betray Jesus to the authorities. Jesus had to be killed before That Passover. That Holy Date had been God’s Appointed Time for His Son’s Death and Resurrection for all the preceding tens of thousands of years.”


Question 7: “Did anyone at The Last Supper know that Jesus was actually telling Satan what to have Judas do?”

Answer: “No. ‘Now none of those reclining at table realized why He said this to him.’


Question 8: “Did the devil promptly obey That Order from Jesus?”

Answer: “Yes. ‘So Judas took the morsel and left at once. And it was night.’ Satan obeyed Jesus by making Judas leave ‘at once’ to betray Him at God’s Appointed Hour!”


Question 9: “What was that ‘morsel’?”

Answer: “It was a ‘reverse Communion’! Jesus was about to provide The First Holy Communion! That let His followers obey: ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ His actual Body and Blood have given ‘life’ to every Communion-receiving Catholic for 2,000 years.”


Question 10: “Did that ‘morsel’ bring death to the only Willful Protestant at The Last Supper?”

Answers include: “Yes.___”. “No. ___.” “I do not want to think clearly about that.___.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
