Catholics understand “may” and “will” and “s”.

. Catholics understand two Words and one Letter in The Teachings of Jesus Christ.


Question 1: “Do Willful Protestants think they will automatically go to Heaven because they say ‘I believe in Jesus.’?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants often say that!”


Question 2: “Why do Willful Protestants think they only need to ‘believe’ in Jesus to have their souls get into Heaven?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants do not see the difference between ‘may’ and ‘will’. For instance, they read John 3:16 ‘And just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life.’


Question 3: “Jesus did say that! What mistake do Willful Protestants make?”

Answer: “They do not read carefully! The word ‘may’ is not the word ‘will’. Jesus specifically did not say that ‘believers will have eternal life’. He said only that ‘believers in Him may have eternal life.’


Question 4: “What must ‘believers’ do to have ‘eternal life’?”

Answer: “We must see the letter ‘s’. It appears twice in this sentence! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ Willful Protestants keep themselves from being among His ‘friends‘ by ignoring the all-inclusive ‘s’ at the end of ‘commands‘!”


Question 5: “Why is that ‘s’ so important?”

Answer: “Catholics know! That ‘s’ is at the end of ‘commands because He is telling us to obey all of His ‘commands‘.”


Question 5: “Does the ‘s‘ at the end of ‘commands‘ tell all the obedient ‘friends of Jesus obey His Great Decree? ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’?”

Answer: “His obedient, Catholic ‘friends choose to ‘obey’ The Great Decree of Jesus Christ. It is one of His ‘commands.’ Catholics are saved from all the ‘gates of hell and get all the ‘keys‘ to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Question 6: “Does everyone who carefully reads The Words of Jesus Christ become Catholic?”

Answer: What else can we be?”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
