Is God’s favorite shape “The Cube”?

Catholics know History. And, we strive to obey Every Word of Jesus Christ. That helps us “square the circle”!


Question 1. “What is God’s favorite shape?”

Answer: “God loves the ‘cube’! A ‘cube’ is a perfectly square box. When ‘cubes’ are stacked, there is no wasted space.”


Question 2: “How do we know that God loves the shape of a ‘cube’?”

Answer: “Exodus 26:31-33 describes a ‘Holy Cube’ that was 15 feet on each side. It was placed inside The Tent of The Covenant during the 40 years His Tribes traveled to The Promised Land.

That ‘Holy Cube’ was God’s Holiest Place in The Tent of The Covenant during the years of Israel’s exile.”


Question 3: “Did God provide more ‘Holy Cubes’?”

Answer: “Catholics read about the ‘Debir’ described in 1 Kings 6:16-20. That ‘Holy Cube’ was built in the Holiest Place in Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. That ‘Holy Cube’ was twice as big as God’s Holy Cube in The Ark of The Covenant. It was 30 feet long, high, and wide. Every time a ‘cube’ is doubled, its capacity increases by 8 times. Had the number of Abraham’s children increased 8 times after God led them to The Holy Land?

A third ‘Holy Cube’ was put in The Temple when it was rebuilt after the return from Babylon. It was also 30 feet long and wide. Its height is not given in Ezekiel 41:4, possibly because a passage was lost in translation. Believers are sure the builders would have duplicated the cubical dimensions established by The Tent of The Covenant and Solomon’s Temple.”


Question 4: “Is that the last ‘Holy Cube’ that God provided?”

Answer: “No! God’s last ‘Holy Cube’ was described by St. John. We know its size because it was accurately measured by an angel with a ‘gold measuring rod’ in Rev. 21:16. ‘The City of God’ is a ‘Holy Cube’ that is 1,500 miles long, wide, and high (2,414.016 km).”


Question 5: “What can we learn from that?

Answer: “The Glory of God is reflected on earth and in Heaven in His ‘Holy Cubes’. Catholics suggest: ‘Our soul may be a tiny, living ‘cube’!”


Question 6: “What! How could that be?”

Answer: “We get a hint from a single grain of salt. It is a ‘cube’! When we were conceived, our soul fit inside a ‘cell’ that was no bigger than a grain of salt! When ‘cubes’ are stacked, there is no wasted space. God would not have wanted to waste any space in Heaven!”


Question 7: “But, the ‘twelve gates of Heaven’ are each a single pearl that may be no bigger than our soul. Pearls are round. How can a ‘cubical soul’ fit through?”

Answer: “God has solved The Biggest Problem in Geometry! Every Catholic’s soul is a miraculously and perfectly ‘squared circle’. It fits perfectly through its round Gate of Pearl!”

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