Catholics: a “New thought” about getting into Heaven.

St. John saw Heaven! He told us about it in Revelation 21:9-27.


Question 1: “Why do Catholics think about getting into Heaven?”

Answer: “Our immortal soul will spend eternity in joy or agony. We want our soul in Heaven. Catholics know what we have to do to get there!”


Question 2: “What must we do to get our immortal soul into The Eternal Joy of Heaven?”

Answer: “We must choose to be among the only souls Jesus Christ lets into Heaven! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 3: “What ‘New Thought’ do Catholics have about getting into Heaven?”

Answer: “The Bible tells us how big Heaven is in Rev. 21. Each of the four walls of Heaven is 2,250,000 square miles! That’s as big as Australia! It’s as big as nearly half the United States! There are three ‘gates’ in each wall!”


Question 4: “How big are the ‘twelve gates’ of Heaven?”

Answer: “The ‘gates’ have to be big enough to let saved souls get through! Our soul fit inside of us when we were conceived. We were smaller than a grain of salt! Our immortal soul my be smaller than a ‘holy atom’ or ‘holy photon’!”


Question 5: “If each ‘gate’ in Heaven is no bigger than a soul, and One Wall of Heaven is the size of Australia, how do we find our ‘gate’?”

Answer: “We learn from Jesus’ story of Lazarus in Luke 16:22! ‘The time came when the beggar died and the angels carried him to Abraham’s side.’ God sends ‘angels’ to ‘carry’ the souls of the ‘friends’ He loves to their ‘gate’ and into Heaven.”


Question 6: “Is all the complexity of hell as simple as being ‘outside’ of Heaven?”

Answer: “Yes. Souls swollen by vanity and deformed by disobedience can’t get through those tiny ‘gates’, even if they could find them! They spend eternity ‘beating their heads against the wall’ while demons torment them with streams of electrons!”


Question 7: “Is ‘hell’ everywhere that’s outside of Heaven?”

Answer: “That’s the simplest way to see it!”


Question 8: “What do Catholics do to get into Heaven?”

Answer: “We get the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ left on earth!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’

Those ‘keys’ include The Seven Catholic Sacraments, the Intercession of God’s Holy Saints and Angels, and the guidance of Catholic priests and Teachings.”


Question 9: “Are things that simple?”

Answer: “They are to Catholics!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

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