Willful Protestants miss two boats!

. Worldly people do not want to be passengers on ‘The Barque of Peter’. Catholics do!


Question 1: “What ‘boat’ does every Willful Protestant miss?”

Answer: “They never get on board ‘The Barque of Peter‘.”


Question 2: “Did Willful Protestants also miss getting onto Noah’s Ark?”

Answer: “In every Age, God separates His obedient followers from all others. For the past two thousand years, God has only let those who obey This Word of His Son onto ‘The Barque of Peter’!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 3: “Why would anyone who wants those ‘keys’ for their immortal soul not be on ‘The Barque of Peter’?”

Answer: “Worldly people like their ‘boats’ better! Billionaires love yachts. Environmentalists love kayaks. Willful Protestants love their 48,000 denominational ‘boats’. Catholics know that only ‘The Barque of Peter’ can sail our souls to Heaven.”


Question 4: “Why doesn’t everyone want to be on ‘The Barque of Peter’?”

Answer: “There are a lot of people selling ‘boats’! They want people to sail on their boat! The ‘Barque of Peter’ is commanded by ‘Captain Jesus’! People who prefer their opinions to His Words choose their boat and go wherever they want.”


Question 5: “Where do all the other boats go?”

Answer: “They go to the same boring places before they sink! Most passengers in those boats can see them sinking and won’t get off!”


Question 6: “Where does ‘The Barque of Peter’ take its passengers?”

Answer: “It is the only boat that sails through the air! It sails ‘beyond’ the air! It takes passengers to the ‘gates’ of Heaven!


Question 7: “What does ‘Captain Jesus’ tell the passengers who get off ‘The Barque of Peter’ when it arrives?”

Answer: “Jesus says to each passenger on ‘The Barque of Peter’: ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic and on ‘The Barque of Peter’. catholicfundamentalism.com
