Catholics know! Praying for others helps two people!

. Do Catholics send two “Holy Photons” to Heaven every time we ask God to bless a neighbor by name?


Question 1. “How does praying for others by name help us?”

Answer: “Two wonderful things happen! When we pray for another person by name, we send two ‘Holy Photons of Prayer’ to Heaven! One ‘Holy Photon of Prayer’ is written in that person’s ‘Book of Life’ in Heaven.


Question 2: “Where does the other ‘Holy Photon of Prayer’ go?”

Answer: “It is written in our ‘Book of Life’! The more prayers for others that we send to Heaven, the more ‘Holy Photons of Prayer’ shine in our ‘Book of Life’!


Question 3: “How can we pray for more people and have more ‘Holy Photons of Prayer’ written in Heaven’s ‘Books of Life’?”

Answer: “Every day, we can see this Facebook Page on our screen. We can pray for Every Catholic who says ‘Amen’ to Catholic Teachings. We can scroll through the list of names and day ‘God bless ________.’ as many times as we want. We can’t click ‘like” too often, so we have to just say the prayer.”


Question 4: “That takes time! It would take a whole minute to say ‘God, please bless _______.’ thirty times! Would it take an hour to say ‘God bless _______.’ by name 1,800 times?”

Answer: “There is no better way to spend an hour.”


Question 5: “Catholics can also ask God to bless the souls of Willful Protestants by name. Should we ask God to let them think clearly enough about Jesus to get these ‘keys’:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’“?

Answer: “Only Catholics love God and our neighbors enough to ask Him to bless even Willful Protestants to get His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
