Seeing the difference between “Mutiny” and “Treason”.

. Jesus is The Commander! He lets us see the fate of ‘Mutineers’ and ‘Traitors’.


Question 1: “How can Christians see the difference between ‘Mutiny’ and ‘Treason’?”

Answer: “‘Mutineers’ knowingly choose to disobey The Great Marching Order from The Commander! ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 2: “Are all who willfully choose to disobey The Marching Order from The Commander guilty of ‘Mutiny’?”

Answer: “They have knowingly refused to obey a Direct Order from The Commander! Disobeying Lawful Orders from The Son of God is the worst kind of ‘Mutiny’!”


Question 3: “How does The Commander punish those who choose to ‘Mutiny’?”

Answer: “Those guilty of ‘Mutiny’ receive This Sentence for their soul! ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’ Jesus repeated That Direct Order fourteen times!”


Question 4: “Does their soul die?”

Answer: “No! Their punishment is worse than death! Their souls remain eternally and agonizingly aware that their immortal soul does not ‘have life in’ it!


Question 5: “Is ‘Treason’ worse than ‘Mutiny’?”

Answer: “Yes! ‘Treason’ is getting other people to disobey Direct Orders from The Commander! ‘Treason’ is what spreads ‘Mutiny’!”


Question 5: “What happens to the souls of ‘Traitors’ who encourage ‘Mutiny’ to Any Direct Order from The Commander?”

Answer: “It seems fitting, proper, and unavoidable that their souls must spend eternity being tormented by the souls they led into ‘Mutiny’.”


Question 6: “Is that hell? The souls of the ‘Treasonous’ being endlessly tormented by the souls of those they led into ‘Mutiny’?”

Answer: “The Commander tells us that in Mt. 18:6. ‘the wrath of God remains on those who lead a little one of Mine astray’. His Word, ‘remains’ indicates that His ‘wrath’ inflicts permanent agony on those who lead others into ‘Mutiny’!”

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