Willful Protestantism: “We have to get away from God!”

.                                Billions of cats climb thousands of trees to get away from “The Hound of Heaven”


Question 1:  “Why do Willful Protestants run from God?”

Answer:  “God came to Earth in The Person of Jesus Christ.  He divided all people into Two Tribes.  One Tribe is among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’   The Other Tribe are those who willfully disobey Any Word of His.”


Question 2:  “How did God divide people into Two Tribes?”

Answer:   “Jesus is brilliant!   He divided countless billions of people into Two Tribes with a few Words.   Jesus repeated what can only be His Call to Catholic Communion 14 times!   ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’   He repeated that fourteen times!

All Willful Protestants run away from That Word of God!”


Question 3:  “Why is That Word of God so frightening?”

Answer:  “Jesus is telling us that He Has Spoken One Church into Being!   And, that He has given His Catholic priests The Power to turn bread and wine into His Body and Blood to give ‘life’ to obedient Catholics.   People who are afraid to see that God has That Much Power choose to be some sort of Willful Protestant.  Many of them do not even believe in God.”


Question 4:  “Why did God say something that worldly people could easily believe was so ‘wrong’ that some call it ‘insane’?”

Answer:    “To give every person on earth the opportunity to be among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’  Only His obedient ‘friends’ will obey His Call to Catholic Communion, be in The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word to Peter and his Successors, and ‘have life in’ us.”


Question 5:  “His Word has worked!   People are divided!   Do all worldly people agree That Teaching of Jesus Christ is so ‘wrong’ that it may be ‘insane’?”

Answer:  “Yes!  They run from That Teaching of Jesus Christ the way cats run from dogs!   They will climb trees to get away from ‘the Hound of Heaven’!”


Question 6:  “Are each of the 48,000 Protestant Denominations a tree that frightened cats have climbed?”

Answer:  “Yes.”  Willful Protestants join others who share their reasons for running from ‘the Hound of Heaven’.


Question 7:  “What do the frightened cats do when find a tree they like?”

Answer:    “They fight with each other!   Groups of them quickly run off and find new trees!   Two trees climbed by Luther and Calvin have turned into a dense forest.  Now, Willful Protestantism has turned into 48,000 trees full of quarreling cats!”


Question 8:  “Do the quarreling cats agree on anything?”

Answer:  “The complaining cats in every tree agree on one thing!   ‘It is somewhere between ‘wrong’ and ‘insane’ to obey The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus Christ repeated 14 times:   ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 9:  “Is the brilliant genius of those few words enough to let anyone realize that Jesus is So Astoundingly Right that He Must Be The Second Person of The Holy Trinity and that all should be Catholic!”

Answer:   “May every cat in every tree be blessed to think that clearly!”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.   catholicfundamentalism.com

