Catholics get “Double Deposits” at The Big Bank In The Sky.

.                            Why do Catholic Prayers get preferential treatment at The Big Bank In The Sky?


Question 1:   “How do Catholics get ‘Double Deposits’ at The Big Bank In The Sky?”

Answer:   “People who pray are ‘Prayers‘.    The prayers of People who pray turn into ‘Heavenly Money’ at God’s Big Bank In The Sky.   A person who prays creates an ethereal ‘Golden Coin’ for every person they pray for.    That ‘Holy Photon’  is beamed to God’s Big Bank In The Sky.   It is deposited in the ‘Asset Section’ of that person’s ‘Book of Life’.”


Question 2:  “What happens when a Catholic says, ‘God, please bless the soul, life, and endeavors of ________.’ , a person who needs God’s help?”.

Answer:   “The same thing that happens in an earthly bank if we made a deposit in their account!    They have more.   Each prayer deposits another ‘Golden Coin’ in their account at God’s Big Bank In The Sky.”


Question 3:  “Where is the ‘Double Deposit’?

Answer:  “When a prayer arrives at The Big Bank In The Sky, it is deposited in the account of the person for whom we pray.  At the same time, it is recorded as an ‘asset’ in the account of the person making the prayer!   Every time a Catholic prays for someone else, a ‘Holy Photon’ is written into our ‘Book of Life’, too!”


Question 4:  “If that is true, why don’t Catholics just pray all day?”

Answer:  “For 2,000 years, the clearest-thinking Catholics have been doing that!   Catholic priests, monks, brothers, sisters, and Catholic Religious ‘pray all day’ in Monasteries, Convents, and Catholic Institutions.


Question 5:  “Are they like ‘Billionaires’ in Heaven?”

Answer:  “Some of them are more like ‘Trillionaires’!    Catholic Saints have ‘stored up so many riches in Heaven‘ (Mt. 6:20) that even God listens to them!”


Question 6:  “What about prayers from Protestants?”

Answer:   ‘God is aware of every prayer from every person.   Many people willfully refuse to obey The Call to Catholic Communion that Jesus repeated 14 times, ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’   That ‘life’ gives Catholic prayers and Prayers more ‘Holy Energy’.

It pays to be Catholic at The Big Bank In The Sky!”

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