Why do Catholics worry about the souls of older Protestants?

.                        Older Protestants can have the joy of a newly Baptized baby forever!   May all be so blessed!


Question 1:  “Why do Catholics worry so much about the souls of older Protestants?”

Answer:  “They are running out of time!  We can only get our souls into Heaven if we choose to be among those identified by Jesus Christ!  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’  The older a Protestant gets, the less time they have left to go to Judgement and be among His obedient ‘friends’.”


Question 2:  “What ‘command’ of Jesus do older Protestants disobey?”

Answer:  “They do not obey The Great ‘Decree’ with Which Jesus Christ Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church into Being!  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven,  .  .  .'”


Question 3:  “Why don’t Catholics worry as much about younger Protestants?”

Answer:  “Part of growing up is rebellion.   Most are blessed to get through that stage while they are young.   As Protestants get older, they have a harder time admitting they were wrong to be led to disobey that specific ‘Decree’ of Jesus.”


Question 4:  “Is it harder for older people to admit they could be wrong?”

Answer:  “Yes!   Still, we can think clearly about one fact:  ‘I have one less day to get ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ for my immortal soul.”


Question 5:  “What should older Protestants do?”

Answer:  “They must do The Hardest Thing an older Protestant can do!   Go to the nearest Catholic Church and talk to the priest!   Only Catholic priests are given This Power by Jesus Christ, Himself!  ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’


Question 6:  “Do some older Protestants do that?”

Answer:  “Miracles do happen!   Lapsed Catholics are only a Good Confession away from Absolution.   Other older Protestants have to take some classes to get ready.   May all be blessed to use their remaining time thinking clearly enough to get those ‘keys’ and not spend eternity regretting that they didn’t.

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