God’s Blessing: Three Catholic priests and Albert Einstein.

.                                      Catholics pray for Father Gordon MacRae.  He carries his Cross for us, every day.


Question 1:  “What three Catholic priests are God’s Great Blessing?”

Answer:  “The first is Fr. Gordon MacRae!   If he had pled guilty to a fake charge, he could have gotten a one year sentence in jail.  He told the truth.  He was sentenced to spend 30 years, the rest of his life, in a New Hampshire jail.”


Question 2:  “How did he handle that?”

Answer:  “He spent three months in solitary confinement, a horrible punishment.  God blessed him with one issue of one magazine to read for three months!   It featured articles about ‘The Big Bang’.  He memorized every fact about it in the only thing God gave him to read.”


Question 3:  “What is ‘The Big Bang’?”

Answer:  “It describes the realization that Creation suddenly came into being about 13 billion years ago.  That was discovered by another Catholic priest, Fr. Georges LaMaitre.

He was a brilliant astronomer, physicist, and mathematician.   A third Catholic priest with similar skills, Fr. Andrew Pinsent, validated it.   Albert Einstein studied their findings.   He agreed:  ‘This is truth!’


Question 4:  “Why is Father Gordon MacRae so important?”

Answer:  “If it were not for Fr. Gordon MacRae, fewer of us would have heard of Fr. Georges LaMaitre or Fr. Andrew Pinsent.  We would not have known that Albert Einstein agreed with them and God’s Word in The Bible!   ‘The universe began at a single moment when all there is came into being.’


Question 5:  “How does Father Gordon MacRae help so many while spending 30 years in a New Hampshire jail?”

Answer:  “Father MacRae is one of many great Catholic priests in History!   Despite being locked in a tiny cell in ‘These Stone Walls’ (the name of His internet page and his prison cell), he is able to bring awareness of God and His Power to all who know of him.”


Question 6:  “There is no question that an innocent man is in jail.  What will happen to the souls of officials who did not stand up for Truth and Justice?”

Answer:  “The smartest thing any of those self-serving attorneys, magistrates, and investigators could do would be to go to his tiny prison cell and ask him to hear their Confessions!

The immortal souls of those who refuse Absolution for such a sin must spend at least the next 13 billion years in a far worse place than a New Hampshire jail cell.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic:  catholicfundamentalism.com

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