Does Jesus tell us to get off The Protestant Slide?


.                                                      Slides only take us down.  We should get off while we have time.


Question 1:  “Why should we avoid ‘The Protestant Slide’?”

Answer:   “It only goes down!”


Question 2:  “There are a lot of good people on that ‘slide’!”

Answer:  “That’s why it is so sad.”


Question 3:  “How did ‘The Protestant Slide’ get built?”

Answer:   “A few hundred years ago, greedy people wanted to steal Church assets.  They hired Luther to justify their theft.   Lutherans soon were joined by  Episcopalians and Calvinists.    Some places made it illegal to be Catholic!  They forced whole countries onto their Protestant Slide.  Three Protestant denominations began to began to divide!  Now, there are nearly 50,000 Protestant Denominations!  Protestantism has confused Christendom.”


Question 4:  “Why did Protestant denominations multiply?”

Answer:  “Every Profiteer of Protestantism knows!  ‘If I have my own denomination, I will be in charge of donations!  All I need is an effective Marketing Plan!’


Question 5:  “What happens after new denominations gets started?”

Answer:  “More people see opportunities.  ‘If I invent a new Marketing Plan, I can have my own denomination!’   Many social and political issues turn into new Marketing Plans for more Profiteers of Protestantism!”


Question 6:  “What is the result?”

Answer:   “Entire nations are confused by armies of self-righteous salesmen with more Protestant Marketing Plans.


Question 7:  “How do people handle the confusion?”

Answer:  “They begin to avoid Christianity!   The last generations of Willful Protestant families don’t even get Baptized!”  Original Sin keeps them from being any kind of Christian.”


Question 8:  “Is there any cure for the confusion?”?

Answer:  “Jesus Christ Fulfilled The Prophecies.  He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being on earth with His Word!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 9:  “How do we know that Jesus wants us to get off ‘The Protestant Slide’ and be Catholic?

Answer:  “May all think clearly about This Word of Jesus in John 10:27!   ‘My sheep hear My voice, says the Lord;  I know them, and they follow Me.’

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