Only Catholics understand THIS about Words of Jesus!

.                                 Many believe Words of God.  Catholics know that we must strive to obey them!


Question 1:  “What do all Christian and other believers understand about God?”

Answer:   “We know:  “God has The Power to Speak things into Being!   His Word echoes in every electron and galaxy in The Universe.  All that is was Spoken Into Being and put into Creation to work in accordance with His Words.”


Question 2:  “All believers understand that!  What do Catholics understand about The Son?”

Answer:  “The Son has The Same Power!  The Son of God is The Word of God in Human Form!  He has The Power to Speak Things Into Being.”


Question 3:  “What did The Son Speak Into Being with His Word?”

Answer:  “He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being the moment He said This Word ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; .  .  .’


Question 4:  “Those ‘keys’ include The Seven Catholic Sacraments, beginning with Baptism.   Did Jesus specifically tell us that He has The Power of The Father to Speak them into  Being?”

Answer:  “Jesus was very clear in Matthew 28:19.   He gave This Direct Order to His First Catholic Bishops:  ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit.’  Jesus described The Three manifestations of God’s Power in a way that that all of us are able to understand.”


Question 5:  “Did St. Paul agree about The Holy Trinity?

Answer:  “Yes.  In 2 Cor. 13:13, St. Paul tells us:  ‘The Grace of The Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of The Holy Spirit be with you all.’  And, he tells us in Hebrews 9:14 ‘Christ offered Himself as The Perfect Sacrifice to God through The Holy Spirit,  .  .’


Question 6:  “Can all of us think clearly enough to understand that Every Word of Jesus is worthy of our obedience?”

Answer:  “Each of us is a living Word of God!  He Spoke each one of us Into Being at our conception.  Once we understand that Jesus, like His Father, can Speak The Catholic Church and Her Seven Sacraments into Being, we grow closer to The Fullness of God IN The Holy Trinity.  Every believer knows we live IN God’s Words.  May all be blessed to do as Catholics and strive to obey Every Word Spoken by The Son.

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.

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