Catholics know. “Free Will” takes form in “Good Will” or “Bad Will”.

.                                                      People of “Good Will” strive to obey Every Teaching of God.


Question 1:  “Does the Catholic Church teach that people who are not Catholics can get into Heaven?”

Answer:  “Yes.  The Catholic Church teaches that ‘People of Good Will may get into Heaven if they are not Catholic through no fault of their own.’


Question 2:  “Does That Catholic Teaching help us understand Protestants in every non-Catholic group?”

Answer:  “The Catholic Church tells us that God sees a great difference between ‘Accidental Protestants’ and ‘Willful Protestants’.”


Question 3:  “What is the difference between ‘Accidental Protestants’ and ‘Willful Protestants’?”

Answer:  “‘Willful Protestants’ intentionally avoid having enough ‘Good Will’ toward God to gratefully obey The Great Decree of Jesus Christ:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’


Question 4:  “Why don’t ‘Willful Protestants’ have enough ‘Good Will’ toward God to obey The Great Decree of Jesus Christ?”

Answer:  “They have let ‘Bad Will’ lead them to disobey Many Teachings from Him.”


Question 5:  “Can people choose what kind of “Will” they have?”

Answer:  “God made all Creation, from the farthest galaxies to every image in our mind, to give us ‘Free Will’.”


Question 6:  “Does choosing ‘Bad Will’ lead people to willfully disobey Him?”

Answer:   “A ‘Bad Will’ leads people to worship opinions that take form around their desires.  ‘Willful Protestants’ have chosen to have a ‘Bad Will’ about obeying Teachings of Jesus they do not want to follow.”


Question 7:  “Are Willful Protestants able to Think Clearly enough to replace ‘Bad Will’ with ‘Good Will’?

Answer:  “Every person is given ‘Free Will’ to make that choice.”


Question 7:  “What happens to those who choose ‘Bad Will’ toward Any Teaching of God?”

Answer:  “They keep themselves from going to God’s Judgment among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’  ‘Bad Will’ leads Willful Protestants to be among God’s willfully disobedient enemies.”


Question 8:  “Does The Old Testament agree?”

Answer:  “Ezekiel 18 and Psalm 51 include:  ‘if he lives by My statutes and is careful to observe My ordinances, that man is virtuous—he shall surely live, says The Lord God.’

And:   ‘My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit;  a heart contrite and humbled, O God, You will not spurn.’

May all be blessed to be of ‘Good Will’ toward Every Word of God.

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