Catholics Think Clearly about the word “and” in “kings and priests”.

.                          Willful Protestants hate to Think Clearly about the word ‘and’ between “kings and priests.


Question 1:  “You Catholics love to think about details!  Why do you focus on the word ‘and’ in the phrase ‘kings and priests?”


Question 2:  Why is ‘and’ so important?”

Answer:  “The word ‘and’ may mean that ‘kings’ and ‘priests’ are two separate groups in Heaven.”


Question 3:  “What else could ‘and’ mean?”

Answer:  “It could also mean that Catholic ‘priests’ are the ‘kings’ of Heaven!”


Question 4:  “What!  Do The Profiteers of Protestantism ever Think Clearly about that?”

Answer:   “Willful Protestants never Think Clearly about that!  If they did, they would see that it is reinforced in Rev. 20:6.  ‘Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection.  .  .  . but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.’


Question 5:  “Does The Bible tell us more about Catholic ‘priests’ being among the ‘kings’ of Heaven?”

Answer:  Rev. 5:9-10  is very specific!   And they (the most Powerful Beings in Heaven!) sang a new song (to Jesus!), saying: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals;  for You were slain and have redeemed us to God by Your Blood.  Out of every tribe and language and people and nation, You have made us kings and priests to our God;  and we shall reign on the earth.’


Question 6:   “Over what ‘kingdom’ do Catholic priests ‘reign on the earth’?”

Answer:  “Every Catholic priest is ‘king’ of the realm that is his parish or mission ‘on the earth’.”


Question 7:  “What kind of a ‘king’ is a Catholic priest?”

Answer:  “Every Catholic priest is a ‘Shepherd King’ for the groups of those among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ whom he leads.


Question 8:   “Who are in every ‘sheepfold’ of ‘obedient friends’ led by Catholic ‘kings and priests’?”

Answer:  “Those who are in The Only Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of ‘The King of Kings’:  And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . .’


Question 9:  “Does the Old Testament support the position of Catholic priests as ‘Shepherd Kings’?”

Answer:   “Ezekiel 37:24​​ tells us all we need to know!  And David My servant shall be king over them;  and they all shall have one shepherd . . .'”


Question 10:  “How do we deal intelligently with the fact that that Jesus is God’s Ultimate shepherd/successor to King David;  and that Peter and his Successors lead obedience to Every Word of Christ on Earth;  and that Catholic priests are ‘Shepherd Kings’ ordained by God to lead us?”

Answer:  “As soon as we Think Clearly about the word ‘and’, we become Catholic!”


Postscript!  Catholics may want to email a link to this Catholic Fundamentalism post to Catholic priests with this preface:  And, May Your Royal Majesty forgive me for intruding on your valuable time.”

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