What “Order” did Jesus give at The Last Supper?

.                                             Only Catholics and Catholic priests obey This “Order” from Jesus!”


Question 1  :  “What ‘Order’ from Jesus Christ does every Catholic priest obey?”

Answer;  “At The Last Supper, Jesus turned bread and wine into His Body and Blood.  Then, He gave His First Catholic Bishops, and those Ordained in Living Link with them, His ‘Order’!”


Question 2:  “What ‘Order’ did Jesus give to every Catholic Bishop and priest?”

Answer:  “‘Do This in Remembrance of Me.’


Question 3:  “What is the ‘This’ He ‘Ordered’ them to ‘Do’?”

Answer:  “He ‘Ordered’ them to Preside over The Changing of Bread and Wine Into His Body and Blood at every Catholic Mass that followed The First.”


Question 4:  “Why did Jesus ‘Order’ them to do that?”

Answer:  “He had to give His obedient sheep a way to obey the bizarre ‘Order’ that He gave the world!”


Question 5:  “What bizarre ‘Order’ did He give the world?”

Answer:  “Jesus told us 12 times in the second half of John:6.  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in  you.’


Question 5:  “Why did He give That Order?”

Answer:  “To see whose souls would choose to go to His Judgment and be among:  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 6:  “How does that show The Power of God?”

Answer:  “Catholics Think Clearly.  We know that He must have Provided His Catholic priests with The Power to have an angel take bread and wine to God’s Altar in Heaven and have it Miraculously Transformed into His Body and Blood.”


Question 4:  “What happens after that?”

Answer:  “Obedient Catholics eat That Holy Food and have His ‘life in’ us!”


Question 5:  “How did Jesus ‘Order’ them to do that?”

Answer:  “He told His priests to:  ‘Do this in remembrance of Me.’   Those among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ obey that ‘Order’ from Jesus!

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