“If tumors could talk, what Two Words would they say?”

.                                                        Different forms of tumors affect the body, mind, and soul.


Question 1:  “If tumors could talk, what would Two Words would they say?”

Answer:  “Feed me!


Question 2:  “What is a ‘tumor’?”

Answer:  “A tumor is defined as:  ‘An abnormal mass of tissue growth that serves no function in the body.


Question 3:  “What kinds of tumors grow in a body?”

Answer:  “Some tumors are ‘benign’.  Other tumors are ‘malignant’.”


Question 4:  “What is the difference?”

Answer:  “Tumors that are ‘benign’ keep the body from working as well as it could.  Tumors that are ‘malignant’ cause cancer.  They bring death to the body more quickly.  ”


Question 5:  “Do tumors only affect the body?”

Answer:   “‘Intellectual Tumors’ affect ‘bodies of thought’.  Other tumors affect bodies of economic and political interests.  ‘Spiritual Tumors’ that hurt the soul are known as ‘sins’.”


Question 6:  “Do tumors grow in, on, and around other tumors?”

Answer:  “Yes.  The tumor of Pride always has ‘Spiritual tumors’ of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust and sloth growing on or near it.”


Question 7:  “Does every kind of tumor in bodies, minds, and souls have something in common?”

Answer:  “Every tumor says the same thing!  ‘Feed me!’


Question 8:  “How do we get rid of tumors?”

Answer:  “Tumors in the body can be removed by surgery, medicine, and radiation.   ‘Intellectual Tumors’ that grow in economic and political bodies can be removed by Thinking Clearly about cause and effect.  ‘Spiritual Tumors’ in the soul can be removed by obeying Words of God.”


Question  9:  “Did God give us a way to get rid of tumors that weaken, hurt, or disfigure minds and souls?”

Answer:  “The Only Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of Jesus has the ‘keys’ to curing those tumors!  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’

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