A Test of Clear Thinking for Willful Protestants. 5

.                                            The “keys”!  The “keys”!  May all Think Clearly and get Christ’s “keys”!


Question 1:  “What belief do Willful Protestants have?”

Answer:  “All Willful Protestants agree!  ‘We know more than Jesus Christ about this‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’


Question 2:  “Willful Protestants ignore ‘keys’ like Communion, Confession, and other Catholic Sacraments!  What would they rather have?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants prefer to have their favorite Profiteer of Protestantism tell them what they want to hear.”


Question 3:  “What do they want to hear?”

Answer:  “‘You are so wonderful that Jesus must let you into Heaven!’


Question 4:  “Why do Willful Protestants want people’s approval more than God’s?”

Answer:  “They have never had God’s Love take actual form in their lives.”


Question 5:  “What have they missed?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants do not receive The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ in Catholic Communion.  They choose to not have The Love of Jesus living in them.  They reject The Miracle of Transubstantiation and God’s Power to Ordain His Catholic priests with The Power to provide it.


Question 6:  “Do they think Jesus would not have made it possible for us to obey what He told us to do 14 times in The Bible:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants are taught to care more about their opinions than God’s Word.”


Question 7:  “Why do Willful Protestants reject The Seven Catholic Sacraments, the intercession of God’s Holy Saints and Angels, and guidance from 2,000 years of Catholic Teachings and priests?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants do not want to be closer to God than they are.  May they ask God to bless them to Think Clearly enough to get all of His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!”

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