A Test of Clear Thinking for Willful Protestants. 7


.                                 Is this a way for Willful Protestants to get Christ’s “keys to The Kingdom of Heaven”?


Question 1:  “What is The Smartest Thing an older Willful Protestant can do?”

Answer:  “Think Clearly enough to realize that willfully disobeying This Word of Jesus Christ:  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’ will hurt their soul at His Judgment.”


Question 2:  “How does willful disobedience hurt souls?”

Answer:  “Willful disobedience to Any Word of Jesus keeps souls from being forever among;  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 3:  “That’s a frightening thought!  What should an Older Protestant do?”

Answer:  “Many of them are too stubborn to be Catholic.  But, an Older Protestant could ask a Catholic priest to forgive the Sin of Vanity that keeps him or her from being Catholic.”


Question 4:  “Can someone who refused to be Catholic get forgiveness from a Catholic priest?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestants read The Bible!  They know that Jesus specifically gave Catholic priests This Incredible Power in John 20:23:   ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’


Question 5:  “Can a Catholic priest forgive someone who disobeyed The Holy Decree with Which Jesus Christ SPOKE One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “May all Think Clearly about this Catholic Canon Law!  “If the danger of death is present or if . . .  some other grave necessity urges it, Catholic ministers administer these same Sacraments licitly also to other Christians (including willful Protestants) . . . provided that they manifest Catholic faith in respect to these Sacraments and are properly disposed. (Can.  844 §4.)


Question 6:  “What should Willful Protestants who Think Clearly do?”

Answer:  “People often know when they are going to die.  A Willful Protestant’s last instruction to caretakers should be:  “Have an ambulance take me to the nearest Catholic priest while I can still speak!


Question 7:  “Will such a Confession get them the Absolution to allow their soul into Heaven?”

Answer:  “I don’t know.  But, may be the only chance at Heaven that some Willful Protestants can have!”

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