Willful Protestants can Think Clearly enough to be happy. 12

.             The person without a halo is about to get up and leave the “life” and “happiness” that only Catholics can have.


Question 1:  “Can Willful Protestants be happy?”

Answer:  “No one can be happy if they choose to live in contradiction to Any Word of God.”


Question 2:  “Why does disobeying Any Teaching of God keep us from being happy?”

Answer:  “We are each ‘made in the image of God’.  Disobedience to God separates us from Him..”


Question 3:  “Are the most disobedient people the unhappiest?”

Answer:  “The ‘news’ tells us how unhappy disobedient people are.”


Question 4:  “Do we become happier as we obey more of God’s Teachings?”

Answer:  “Yes.”


Question 5:  “Jesus told us fourteen times:  ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’  Can a person be happy while willfully refusing to do what is necessary to receive Catholic Communion?”

Answer:  “Those who willfully reject God’s Power to provide His Body and Blood by His Miracle 0f Transubstantiation keep themselves from being as close to God as they could.   That disobedience brings unhappiness to people, families, and nations.”


Question 6:  “Can Catholic Communion save the world?”

Answer:  “The more Catholics there are, the percentage of Happy People increases.   The best thing anyone can do is what’s necessary to receive His Body and Blood in Catholic Communion.”


Question 7:  “Is that the only way to have His ‘life’ most fully in us?”

Answer:  “Those who knowingly and willfully choose to reject His Body and Blood in Catholic Communion do not have His ‘life’ in them.”


Question 8:  “Whose life do we have if we reject His?”

Answer:  “We only have our own!  Our soul is paralyzed by the vanity of thinking ‘I know more than God about that!'”


Question 9: “What happens to our soul when we reject The Body and Blood of Jesus?”

Answer:  “It becomes so stained, shriveled, and deformed that it is not fit for Heaven.”


Question 10:  “Does thinking about the results of Willful Disobedience keep Willful Protestants from being happy?”

Answer:  “Ask them!  Many will show their unhappiness by bragging how happy they are to be unhappy!”

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