May Willful Protestants be blessed to Think Clearly about This! 13

.     Willful Protestants do not want to see that The Father and The Son could “Speak Things Into Being” with their Words.


Question 1:  “What should Willful Protestants try to Think Clearly about?”

Answer:  “One simple fact!   The Father and The Son have The Power of God to Speak things Into Being with their Words!  The Holy Spirit is “The Speaking of Their Words.”


Question 2:  “What causes Willful Protestants to value their opinions more than Words of Jesus?”

Answer:  “Vanity!  Willful Protestants think they know more about This Word of Jesus than He does!  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven;  .  .’


Question 3:  “What keeps Willful Protestants from obeying That Word of Jesus, being in The Only Church He Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word, and getting His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer:  “Confusion!  The entire world is confused by 500 years of Willful Protestants telling everyone ‘Jesus did not have The Power to Speak One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Word!'”


Question 4:  “Why do The Profiteers of Protestantism tell their donors That Word of Jesus should not be obeyed?”

Answer:  “They are too confused to fully understand that they are making a living by insulting The Divine Perfection of That Word of Jesus Christ!  They turn Jesus into a ‘semi-God with some good advice.'”


Question 5:  “Is The Second Person of The Holy Trinity God Who took human form in Fulfillment of The Prophies?”

Answer:  “Not to Willful Protestants!  They may say they believe in The Trinity!  Their beliefs prove they believe:  ‘I know more than Jesus about a lot of things!’


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