History is not a Mystery. 1

The First Period of History.
In The First Period of History, God Spoke Creation Into Being with His Word!

Question 1. “What’s an easy way to understand History?”

Answer: “History begins with God’s Creation of The Universe.”


Question 2: “How did God Create The Universe?”

Answer: “God Spoke every element of Creation into Being with His Words.


Question 3: “What was The First Thing God Spoke Into Being?”

Answer. “‘God said: ‘Let there be light. And, there was light.’ Some of the ‘light’ was alive! God’s Angels were made of ‘living sparks of light’. They helped God turn His Words into The Things of Creation.”


Question 4: What did God Speak into Being after that?”

Answer: “He may have spoken The Building Blocks of Creation Into Being. Something like quarks or Higgs Bosons are the smallest known things. They allowed matter to become mass. His Angels helped Him have Creation take form in photons, electrons, atoms, and molecules.


Question 5: “When did God Speak that part of Creation into being?”

Answer: “About a hundred years ago, a Catholic priest from Belgium analyzed the movement of stars. Father Georges LeMaitre calculated that Creation was brought into Being at least 8 billion years ago. Later people described that moment as ‘The Big Bang.’“


Question 6: “How did Fr. LeMaitre calculate that?”

Answer: “Telescopic observations let him find the speed at which stars were moving. He, and other brilliant men, including Albert Einstein, were able to realize there was a starting point of Creation. It began with what one author called ‘The Day That Had No Yesterday’.”


Question 7: “Had God written and downloaded an immense, expanding Creation Program with a ‘Big Bang’ that would echo as long as He wanted it to?”

Answer: “Yes. His Created Entities increased in complexity for billions of years. Just as His Angels had become ‘Living Light’, living cells were organized into living beings. His Programs for Living Things were written and downloaded. They were able to replicate the Programs that are their species.”


Question 8: “What were His First Programs of Living Things?”

Answer: “The First Programs for Living Things were micro-organisms. Then, The Plant Programs plants were downloaded. They turned sunlight into edible food. Soon, Animal Programs were written and downloaded. Those programs took form to eat what The Plant Programs were written to provide.”


Question 9: “Why did He Speak all the stars, planets, plants, and animals into Being?”

Answer: “His Entire Creation Program was designed to give Free will to His Beloved Human Programs.”


Question 10: “What the the point of that?”

Answer: “All Creation was Spoken Into Being so that His beloved Human Programs could have Free Will. Programs to provide human minds and bodies would be ‘downloaded’ around their immortal souls! Some would love and obey God. They would have their souls, which may be Living Sparks as small as quarks or Higgs Bosons, be with Him forever in Heaven.”


Question 11: “What about the souls of those who chose to hate and disobey Him?”

Answer: “Their immortal souls spend eternity in the endless agonies of hell.”


Question 12: “What happened to the disobedient ‘Angel Programs’?”

Answer: “They were thrown out of Heaven. When they are thrown out of earth, they join the willfully disobedient human programs in the endless agonies of hell.”


Question 13: “Who torments the willfully disobedient souls in hell?”

Answer: “Those who have been led to hell endlessly attack the souls of those who led them there. The more people an angel or soul led astray on earth, the more tormenters attack it forever in hell.”


Question 14: “I thought those who led people astray got to torture those whom they led astray?”

Answer: “Everything is backwards in hell. The simplest souls torment their tormentors. Forever.”

.                                                        The Second Period of History was built on Reading and Writing.


Question 15:  “History is a record of how God’s Free Will Creatures behaved on earth.  Where does History begin?”

Answer:  “In The Garden of Eden.  That was when God gave a Direct Order to Adam and Eve.  ‘Do not eat the forbidden fruit.’  Adam and Eve disobeyed.  Human History began!”


Question 16:  “What is Human History?”

Answer:  “History tells the stories of those who chose to obey Direct Orders from God and those who chose to disobey.”


Question 17:  “Adam and Eve chose to disobey God.  What did their children do?”

Answer:  “Abel obeyed God’s Teachings.  Cain was so jealous of the success that gave him that he killed his own brother.  History divides every person who ever lived into ‘Abels’ and ‘Cains’.  The souls of the ‘Abels’  go to Heaven.  Souls of disobedient and unrepentant Cains’ burn in hell, forever.”


Question 18:  “Why is The Obedience of every person in every generation of people tested?”

Answer:  “The name ‘generation’ means ‘ration of genes’.   Each person is given his or her ‘ration of genes’.  Every person must choose to be like Cain  or Abel.  Our Free Will is tested every day.  ‘Will I be like Abel and obey God or will I be like Cain and kill?’


Question 19:  “How long have ‘generations’ of Free Will Creatures been given their ‘rations of genes’ to make their decisions?”

Answer:   “Early signs of cave paintings go back many tens of thousands of years.   The oldest known cities were built in Turkey, about 14,000 years ago.”


Question 20:  “What was that ‘First Period’ of History?”

Answer:   “‘Spoken History’ began as Families turned into Tribes and Peoples.  They learned simple things.  ‘The sun is a ball of light that is pulled across the sky every day by an angel in a chariot.’  That was all they needed to know.”


Question 21:  “When did things get more complicated?”

Answer:  “God had some people invent ‘writing’ and ‘reading’.   They were able to ‘accumulate knowledge’.  It could be passed on accurately to future generations.”



Question 22:  “Did some peoples avoid ‘reading’ and ‘writing’?”

Answer:  “Oral Historians wanted to maintain their ‘Monopoly of History’.  Sumerians, Amorites, and Hittites began to write things down about five thousand years ago.  People with Written Histories began to destroy those who would not learn to read and write..”


Question 23:  “When did ‘reading’ and ‘writing’ become most important?”

Answer:   “Some descendants of Abraham were given Words from God.  Prophets wrote them down.  Ten Written Commandments guided some Jewish people to obey God.”

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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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