Only Catholics see why 2 Thessalonians is important! (2)

. Who were the Two Holy Men who helped St. Paul bring The Catholic Church into Europe and The World?


Question 1: “Why is 2 Thessalonians so important?”

Answer: “Three Holy Apostles gives Simple Reasons to be Catholic! Look at the beginning. ‘From Paul, Silvanus and Timothy, to the Church in Thessalonika’ . .’


Question 2: “Where is Thessalonika?”

Answer: “It’s oneness with God is located in Northern Greece. Three Holy Apostles are: ‘wishing you grace and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.’

Then, St. Paul sums up three things: ‘Thanksgiving and encouragement and The Last Judgement’ are followed by praise for the wonderful Catholics in Thessalonika.

‘We feel we must be continually thanking God for you, brothers; quite rightly, because your faith is growing so wonderfully and the love that you have for one another never stops increasing; . .’


Question 3: “How did the early Catholics in Thessalonika compare with the other Catholics of the time?”

Answer: “They are among the best! ‘. . and among the Churches of God we can take special pride in you for your constancy and faith under all the persecutions and troubles you have to bear.’


Question 4: “Why did the Catholics of Thessalonika have to ‘bear persecutions and troubles’?”

Answer: “St. Paul explains. ‘It all shows that God’s judgement is just, and the purpose of it is that you may be found worthy of The Kingdom of God: it is for the sake of this that you are suffering now.’


Question 5: “Are Catholics who are not faithful enough to be ‘suffering . . persecutions and troubles’ not ‘worthy of The Kingdom of God’?”

Answer: “That is why Catholics strive to be obedient to Every Word of God.”


Question 6: “What will happen to the souls of those who attack us for being Catholic?”

Answer: “God’s Apostles tell us in 1:6! ‘God will very rightly repay with injury those who are injuring you, and reward you, who are suffering now, with the same peace as He will give us, when the Lord Jesus appears from heaven with the angels of His power.’

God’s promise of punishment to the disobedient continues: ‘He will come in flaming fire to impose the penalty on all who do not acknowledge God and refuse to accept the Good News of our Lord Jesus.’


Question 7: “Does that mean that rejecting this ‘Good News of our Lord Jesus’ will be punished? ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’

Answer: “There is a permanent ‘penalty’ of those who refuse any ‘Good News’ from Jesus Christ! ‘1:9 It will be their punishment to be lost eternally, excluded from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his strength . .’

Question 8: “How does The First Chapter of This Holy Book end?”

Answer: “The Three Holy Apostles will ‘testify’ for Catholics who have done our job: 1:10 ‘on that day when He comes to be glorified among His saints and seen in His glory by all who believe in Him; and you are believers, through our witness.’


Question 9: “Do God’s Holy Saints intercede for us before God?”

Answer: “Catholics are blessed to understand Verse 1:11! ‘Knowing this, we pray continually that our God will make you worthy of His call, and by His power fulfil all your desires for goodness and complete all that you have been doing through faith; . .’ They are praying in Heaven for us Catholics right now! That’s what ‘continually’ means!”


Question 10: “Why do God’s Holy Saints ‘pray continually’ for us?”

Answer: 1:12 tells us! ‘. . because in this way The Name of our Lord Jesus Christ will be glorified in you and you in Him, by the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.'”


Question 11: “What more does anyone need to know to be Catholic?”

Answer: “2 Thessalonians tells us all we need to know!”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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