What is The Big Protestant Mistake?

Every Catholic knows: “I cannot pull Jesus down. But, Jesus does have The Power to pull me up!”


Question 1: “I want to know! What Big Mistake does every Protestant make?”

Answer: “Every Protestant belief is based on disobeying This Word of Jesus Christ: ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . .’


Question 2: “Can billions of Protestant beliefs be reduced to one sentence! ‘I know more than Jesus Christ about that!’?”

Answer: “It is that simple! Every Protestant who ever lived agrees! ‘I know more than Jesus Christ about that!’


Question 3: “You are reducing the thoughts of billions of people, teachers, authors, schools, denominations, and groups to one sentence: ‘I know more than Jesus Christ about that!’ Is that an insult to every Protestant?

Answer: “No! It is a compliment to Protestants!”


Question 4: “How is it a ‘compliment’ to reduce complex theologies into one sentence: ‘I know more than Jesus about that!’“?

Answer: “It is a compliment to Protestants that two people are mentioned in The Big Protestant Mistake.”


Question 5: “What two people are mentioned in The Big Protestant Mistake?”

Answer. “‘I’ and ‘Jesus’.”


Question 6: “Does that mean that all Protestants are close to Jesus?”

Answer: “Yes! All that any Protestant has to do is reverse their words and say: ‘Jesus knows more than I do about that.’ Every Protestant is that close to putting Jesus first!”


Question 7: “How does that help them?”

Answer: “As soon as they put ‘Jesus’ before ‘I’, they begin to understand: ‘I must be in His Church to get His ‘keys’. Then, He will let my soul into His ‘Kingdom of Heaven’!”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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