Catholics find joy in Consistency. Others prefer Contradiction.

.If we reject His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ we suffer the pain of living in contradiction. May all be saved from that, forever!


Question 1: “Who lives in contradiction?”

Answer: “People who argue with God. God Fulfilled The Prophecies when He took Human Form in The Person of Jesus Christ. He Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being with His Word:

‘And I say unto you thou are Peter and on this rock I build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; . . .’


Question 2: “What problem does it cause to live in Willful Disobedience to That, or Any Word, of God?”

Answer: “We live in the contradiction of saying ‘I know more than God about that.’


Question 3: “How does that hurt us?”

Answer: “It forces us to live in violation of The First Commandment: ‘Thou shall have no other gods before Me.’


Question 4: “What happens when we choose to live in violation of The First Commandment?”

Answer: “We are separated from God and His Heavenly Help.”


Question 5: “What ‘Heavenly Help’ do we lose when we live in willful contradiction to Any Word of God?”

Answer: “His Holy Saints and Angels do not help those who reject obedience to God. Their minds become more confused.”


Question 6: “What causes that confusion?”

Answer: “Confusion is caused by demons. Evil spirits move into minds that are not occupied by God.”


Question 7: “What do demons want us to do?”

Answer: “First, they want us to ignore God. Then, they want us to disobey Him.”


Question 8: “Why?”

Answer: “A human soul is the most precious thing on earth. Each is an Immortal Energy that radiates God’s Power in living form. Demons feed on that if they can lead a soul to reject God and follow them.”


Question 9: “Does The Bible tell us that?”

Answer: “Jesus told us that demons bring confusion to our minds in Matthew 12:45. ‘Then it (a demon) goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.’


Question 10: “What do Catholics ask God to do?”

Answer: “We ask God to save our soul by putting our thoughts in such good order that we may go to His Judgment among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’ Then, God’s Saints and Angels will intercede and help us drive out the demons of confusion and contradiction.”


Question 11: “Is their Holy Intercession among ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’?”

Answer: “Yes. It is one of His Gifts to those who Think Clearly about Him and His Power.”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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