Is This The Most Interesting Question of All?

. May all be blessed to better understand: Jesus Christ IS “The Word of God”!


Question 1: “What could be ‘The Most Interesting Question of All?’

Answer: “It’s This Catholic Question! ‘Why don’t Willful Protestants guide their lives by Every Word of Jesus Christ?’


Question 2: “Don’t all Protestants believe in Jesus?”

Answer: “They all say ‘I believe in Jesus!’ But, none of them obey The Holy Word with Which Jesus Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven; ‘


Question 3: “Why do all Willful Protestants ignore That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “A ‘dark and hidden thought’ comes into Every Protestant mind that sees or hears a Word of Jesus that it does not agree with.”


Question 4: “What ‘dark and hidden thought‘ comes to life when Willful Protestants hear Words of Jesus they do not like?”

Answer: “This ‘dark and hidden thought’ takes form in their mind! ‘I know more than Jesus Christ about THAT!


Question 5: “That is what many Willful Protestants say! Why does that ‘dark and hidden thought’ move to the front of every Willful Protestant’s mind?”

Answer: “The devil hates for anyone to be among the only people Jesus lets into Heaven! Every vanity on earth wants those whom it possesses to reject Christ’s ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’!”


Question 6: “Do evil vanities get people to disobey Jesus by believing ‘I know more than Jesus Christ about THAT! every time they hear Any Catholic Word from Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “Yes! Many Willful Protestants are taught to be ‘proud’ of ‘knowing more’ than Jesus Christ!”


Question 7: “How can Catholics help our beloved Protestant neighbors Think Clearly about the importance of putting Every Word of Jesus ‘before’ their opinion?”

Answer: “We remind them of The Call to Heaven that Jesus lets every Catholic hear! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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