Three early Protestants. Two kinds of sin.

Why are many people kept from Thinking Clearly about these “keys”? Many do not want their neighbors to get into Heaven!


Question 1: “Who was the First Protestant?”

Answer. “The first Protestant was the devil. He got Eve to eat ‘the fruit’ God had ‘forbidden’.”


Question 2: “If Eve was the first human Protestant, who was the second?”

Answer: “Eve got Adam to join her in Protesting the same Specific Word from God.”


Question 3: “Who is Protestant #3?”

Answer: “Their son, Cain. He became the worst kind of Willful Protestant. It was not enough for him to disobey God. He committed a greater sin by killing his own brother, Seth, for honoring and obeying God.”


Question 4: “Did three out of four of the first named human beings with Free Will decide to disobey God?”

Answer: “That is The Early History of Willful Protestantism. That same percentage of ‘lost and saved’ souls may be a Law of God’s Universe. One out of every four human souls may choose to obey God.”


Question 5: “Does God still let people choose to disobey Him?”

Answer: “God gave us a Creation to provide Free Will. All of humanity divides itself into two groups! We are either among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’, or we are not.”

Question 6: “What makes people decide to not ‘obey’ His ‘commands’?”

Answer: “Many are led to believe that ‘God wants you to be happy. You cannot be happy unless you do what you want.’


Question 7: “Does that encourage disobedience to God?”

Answer: “Sin always has the same beginning! ‘You cannot be happy if you do not eat the forbidden fruit’.


Question 8: “Where does that lead?”

Answer: “Where it led Cain! The sin of simple disobedience leads the worst sinners to attack those who do love and obey God.”


Question 9: “What happens to their immortal souls?”

Answer: “They spend eternity suffering from those whose souls they led into disobedience!”


Question 10: “How do Catholics escape those two forms of willful disobedience?”

Answer: “We know that Jesus only left one set of ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ to His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church!

Obeying This Word of God can save us from both forms of disobedience: ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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