Who decides whose souls do NOT get into Heaven?

This great painting shows that some souls get into Heaven. Others are kept out. Catholics know there is nothing more important than getting our soul into Heaven.


Question 1: “Who decides whose souls do not get into Heaven?”

Answer: “He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies makes that decision. At Judgment, each person’s ‘Book of Life’ is read. Then, the ‘Books of Life’ written by other people are read. Those ‘Books of Life’ give Jesus Christ, The Second Person of The Holy Trinity, all He needs to know about whose souls do not get into Heaven.”


Question 2: “Did Jesus tell us specifically about people whose souls He would not let into Heaven?”

Answer: “Jesus was very clear about that! Mt. 18:6 tells us specifically who will not get into Heaven! ‘If anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a large millstone were hung around his neck and he were drowned at the bottom of the sea.’


Question 3: “Is that anywhere else in The Bible?”

Answer: “Luke 17:2 tells us the same thing about souls that will be condemned.


Question 5: “Is God aware of those who want to ‘lead a little one of Mine astray’?

Answer: “Mt 18:10 gives us more information. ‘See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of My Father in Heaven.’


Question 6: “Is it possible that those ‘angels’ write words in their ‘Books of Life’ about those who lead the beloved souls they guard into sin?”

Answer: “Catholics may think of those ‘angels’ as living ‘Books of Life’. Their living witness to the harm done to those they guard is always visible to ‘The Face of My Father in Heaven.’


Question 7: “Is there a difference between those who are ‘led astray’ by genuine confusion and those who choose to let themselves be ‘led astray’ to do what they know is evil?”

Answer: “That difference is known to God at His Judgment. May all of us focus on being seen by Him to be among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


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