Why did God make the universe so BIG?

“The universe is so BIG that this picture of distant galaxies shows as much of the universe as a grain of sand held an arm’s length away.”


Question 1: “Every time people invent bigger telescopes, we see how BIG the universe is! Why did God make the universe so BIG?”

Answer: “It is how He provided Continual Humility! For tens of thousands of years, it has been impossible for anyone to see an end to The Power of God.”


Question2: “Why did God decide to NOT let us see any end to His Power?

Answer: “God gave us Free Will. No matter how far our microscopes and telescopes let us see, He does not let us be forced to see Him.”


Question 3: “How did God ‘make’ the universe?”

Answer: “God SPOKE all there is into being. Every thing, from the components of atoms to galaxies full of solar systems, is An Echo of His Word.”


Question 4: “Is that why some people speak of Creation as ‘The music of the spheres’?”

Answer: “Those who appreciate His Power see that Creation is God’s Divine Symphony. All of His Creation is in Perfect Harmony.”


Question 5: “Is it ‘Perfect Harmony’ when people choose to hurt themselves and their neighbors?”

Answer: “God’s Word is clear in Romans 8:28! ‘We know that for those who love God, everything works together for good, for all those He has called.’


Question 6: “How can things ‘work for good’ for those who do not love God and their neighbors?”

Answer: “That is an intelligent question! Those who willfully and knowingly disobey God’s Word are not among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 7: “Do the ‘enemies’ of God work together for good’?”

Answer: “Yes! Rev. 20:15 tells us what God does to them. Hell’s ‘burning lake’ (of fire and sulfur) is the second death; and anybody whose name could not be found in The Book of Life was thrown into the burning lake.’


Question 8: “Is there any possibility of happiness in hell?”

Answer: “There may be some joy in endlessly torturing the swollen souls of once powerful people who led them to reject these ‘keys’. ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


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