What keeps many from Thinking Clearly and getting into Heaven?

Catholics Think Clearly! We live in the layer of light that surrounds the World in God’s Universe. We see no life above or below.


Question 1: “What keeps many people from Thinking Clearly and getting into Heaven?”

Answer: “Demons.”


Question 2: “What do demons do?”

Answer: “There are demons of pride, envy, greed, gluttony, anger, lust, and sloth. They keep billions of people from being grateful to God for His gift of life within the lifelessness around us.”


Question 3: “How can we tell if we are being influenced by demons?”

Answer: “If we seek reasons to disobey Any Words of He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies, then we are being influenced by demons.”


Question 4: “Is there One Specific Word of Jesus Christ that every demon wants us to disobey?”

Answer: “Every demon wants us to reject This Word, Church, and ‘keys’ Spoken Into Being by God, Himself! ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5: “What happens when we let demons lead us to disobey That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “We keep our souls from going to His Judgment among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 6: “What happens to the souls of those who are not among His obedient ‘friends’ at His Judgment?”

Answer: “Judgment may be this simple:

1. Rev. 20:12 tells us that Jesus reads every word we have written or spoken into our ‘Book of Life’.

2. If we have willfully and knowingly chosen to let demons lead us to disobey Him, we are among His disobedient ‘enemies’.

3. The souls of His obedient ‘friends’ are welcomed into Heaven. Others are sent to hell.”


Question 7: “What about souls in minds that were genuinely confused about Who Jesus Is?”

Answer: “Every Catholic must pray! ‘Please, Jesus! Let us and our beloved neighbors see through the demonic confusion that tries to keep us all from understanding Who Jesus Is.’


Question 8: “Jesus is our Judge. Do we have a Jury?”

Answer: “All the neighbors we have affected have written about us in their ‘Books of Life’.”


Question 9: “How can we get a good verdict for our immortal soul?”

Answer: “Think Clearly about downloading The Power Jesus Christ specifically gave to His Catholic priests in John 20:23! ‘Those whose sins you have forgiven on earth are forgiven in Heaven’.

Jesus Christ has Promised! His ‘Absolution’ follows every ‘Good Confession’. It’s hard to think of a better reason to be Catholic.”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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