Think Clearly! How big is our soul? Will we get it into Heaven?

At conception, we were smaller than a grain of sand. Catholics want our much smaller soul to go through the hourglass of time and get to Heaven!


Question 1: “Why do we need to Think Clearly about how big our soul is?”

Answer: “Thinking about our soul gives us an insight to God.”


Question 2: “How does studying our soul give us ‘an insight to God’?”

Answer: “The Bible tells us we are ‘made in The Image of God. As we learn more about our immortal soul, we learn more about He Whose Power brought it into being on earth at the moment of our conception.”


Question 3: “When we were conceived, we were smaller than a grain of salt! Is our soul smaller than that?”

Answer: “How could our soul have been inside us if it were bigger?”


Question 4: “Is our soul as small as a living atom?”

Answer: “It may be a Holy Photon smaller than that!”


Question 5: “Are you Catholics saying that our soul may be smaller than a ‘living atom’?

Answer: “Everything we have grown to be was in the huge DNA molecules that God’s Power turned into US!” Our immortal spark of life began as the center of the complicated DNA molecules around it.!


Question 6: “The Bible is clear. When our mind and body die, ‘angels MAY take our soul to Heaven’. How big are angels?”

Answer: “Those angels are big enough to take our soul to to its ‘Gate’ in Heaven.”


Question 7: “How big is Heaven?”

Answer: “The Kingdom of Heaven is The One Thing in God’s Creation whose size we do know! Rev. 21:16 tells us ‘The City of God’ is a Perfect Cube, 1,500 miles, or 2,414 km, on each side.”


Question 8: “Is The City of God a ‘Huge Cube’ as big as Australia, Europe, or half The United States?”

Answer: “It is ‘cube’ that size! Saved souls are little sparks of living light that choose to get these ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ FROM Jesus!

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 9: “Should I be as good a Catholic as I can to let my soul get forever into The Presence of He Who Spoke all there is into being, including His One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church?”

Answers: “‘Yes! ___.’ “No! ___.’ ‘I do not want to Think Clearly about THAT!'”


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