Catholics know: “There is time with ‘life’ and time without ‘life’.”

Catholics know! Jesus gives us the ‘keys’ to time with ‘life’.


Question 1: “Why do Catholics spend so much time thinking about time?”

Answer: “Catholics know: Our days are numbered! Soon, our time on earth will run out.”


Question 2: “What do Catholics think happens after our time on earth runs out?”

Answer: “We go to Judgment.”


Question 3: “What happens?”

Answer: “All the time there will ever be is in front of us! Our immortal soul will spend eternity in one of two places, Heaven or hell.”


Question 4: “Who decides where our immortal soul will spend eternity?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ will decide where our immortal soul will spend the rest of time.”


Question 5: “Which souls does Jesus let into Heaven?”

Answer: “He lets these souls live in Heaven, forever! ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 6: “What do we have to do to be among His obedient ‘friends’?”

Answer: “We must use our time on earth to obey Him! Every day is filled with times to show our love for God and our neighbors.”


Question 7: “What do Catholics do?”

Answer: “We strive to obey Every Teaching of Jesus every time we can.”


Question 8: “Did Jesus tell us specifically what we must do to let our soul have ‘life’ in Heaven?”

Answer: “Jesus told us 12 times in the last half of John 6, and two more times at The Last Supper. ‘If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.’


Question 9: “If we knowingly and willingly refuse to obey That Specific Call to Catholic Communion from Jesus, can we be among His ‘obedient friends’ at Judgment?”

Answer: “That is up to Him. Striving to be an obedient Catholic increases our chances of being among His obedient ‘friends’.”


Question 10: “Can anyone willfully and knowingly disobey That Teaching of Jesus and have eternal ‘life’ in Heaven?”

Answers include: “Yes ___’. ‘No ___’. ‘I do not want to Think Clearly about that. ___.'”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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