Catholics make 8 Amazing Historical Connections!

Catholics are blessed! We see some of God’s Works on earth in the time that began around The Year of Our Lord, 69 AD.


Question 1: “What are the ‘8 Amazing Historical Connections’ that only Catholics can make?”

Answer: “We see God working on earth in both Rome and Jerusalem thirty to forty years after The Resurrection of Jesus!”


Question 2: “What ‘connection’ do Catholics see between two opposing nations at war?”

Answer: “Connection 1: In the year AD 69, three men and their families were striving for control in Rome’s Capitol City. Otho, Galba, and Vitellus were involved in a war that stretched from Spain to The Euphrates River.

Three Jewish leaders in Jerusalem, Eleazer, Simon the Zealot, and John the Essene were doing the same thing in Jerusalem, their Capitol City! Their war stretched across Israel and beyond.”


Question 3: “That is a ‘Connection’! What was the result?”

Answer: “Connection 2! Both trios of ambitious people ended up destroying their own people! Jewish extremists killed hundreds of thousands of their fellow Jews and allies. In the same period, Romans were slaughtering their countrymen and neighbors.”


Question 4: “What is the meaning of ‘Connection 2’?”

Answer: “That lets us see ‘Connection 3’! God destroyed the most important temples built by both of the religions whose people killed His Son in both Capitol Cities: Rome and Jerusalem! The ancient Temple to Jupiter was destroyed in Rome. So was The Temple in Jerusalem. ‘Connection 3’ is seeing that God turned His Face away from the self-serving people in both religions.”


Question 5: “Were there any other ‘connections’?”

Answer: “‘Connection 4’ is clear. Vast stretches of both Capitol Cities were destroyed.”


Question 6: “Were other cities destroyed in both nations in the same period?”

Answer: “That is Connection 5! In a short time, entire cities in France, Italy, and Germany were destroyed by Romans who were desperate for power. Many cities in Israel were also left in ruins by their power-seekers.”


Question 7: “Is there a ‘Connection 7’?”

Answer: God ‘connected’ Rome and Israel by replacing all six of their Power-grabbers with The Emperor Vespasian and his sons. While Vespasian’s ‘Flavian Dynasty’ ruled, The Only Church Spoken Into Being by This Word of God’s Son was able to spread from India to Ireland:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 8: “is there any other ‘Amazing Historical Connection’?”

Answer: “‘Connection 8’ lets us see what worldly people have done from that time to today! Then, Romans enslaved tens of thousands of Jewish people to punish them for rebellion. They took many to Rome and forced them to build The Coliseum. It was a Temple to Sports.

For 2,000 years of Time, similar Temples to Sports have been replacing Temples to Pagan gods in every City on Earth, except The Vatican City.”


Catholics make 8 Amazing Historical Connections!


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