Will my soul go to the joy of Heaven OR to unending agony?

.No one should ever walk away from Any Word of Jesus Christ.


Question 1: “How can I get my soul into Heaven?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ will Judge every soul. He told us whose souls will get into Heaven! John 20:23: ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


Question 2: “If we die in willful disobedience to Any Word of Jesus, will our immortal soul be sent to hell?”

Answer: “That’s up to Jesus.”


Question 3: “What about the souls of those who were taught ‘There is no God. You have no ‘soul’. We should do what we want in our time on earth.’

Answer: “Every person on earth has seen images of Jesus Christ on the Cross. If they ask ‘Who is that? Why is He there?’, they may find out Who Jesus Is. Then, they will be in The Church He Spoke Into Being with His Holy Word and get His ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’:

‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 4: “What if a person willfully refuses to obey Any Word of Jesus?”

Answer: “Those people break The First Commandment, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’


Question 5: “Does God help people to be Catholic?”

Answer: “When non-Catholics are near a Catholic Church, or a Catholic who has received Communion, they sometimes inhale ‘Holy Molecules’ of The Body and Blood of Christ.

They have evaporated from The Chalice or person that contained the bread and wine a Catholic priest turned into That Holy Food. Their Guardian Angel may bring one or two of those ‘Holy Molecules’ into their mind to help them Think Clearly enough to be Catholic. Every Catholic who receives Communion is a great blessing to those around us.”


Question 6: “Are people who refuse to Think Clearly about The Divine Word of Jesus Christ taking Living Form in His Body and Blood all going to hell?”

Answer: “Jesus will decide what each soul will receive at Judgment.”


Question 7: “How does Jesus know if a person is willfully or accidentally too confused to obey Every Word of His?

Answer: “He reads each person’s ‘Book of Life’. That tells Him if they were ‘forgivably confused’ or ‘willfully disobedient’.

May God bless every person on earth to Think Clearly enough to be Catholic!”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

We can find interesting ideas in this, and other writings there: https://catholicfundamentalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Gods-IQ-Test.pdf

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One book that everyone should read is “The Diary of St. Faustina”. It tells about The Power of Jesus.
