Catholics are simple. We know WHY the universe looks complicated!

Why are Catholics blessed? We let Jesus keep us from sinking into the Sea of Confusion.


Question 1: “Why is everything from the farthest galaxy to the smallest atom so complicated?”

Answer: “God made things complicated to give us Free Will! He knew that billions of people would live on earth in the Solar System that He Spoke Into Being.”


Question 2: “Is everything from the farthest galaxy to the molecules that make our fingernails an echo of Words God Spoke to give us Free Will?”

Answer: “Catholics know! Every Word of God is part of His Creation Program that gives us Free Will.”


Question 3: “Why did God want every person to have Free Will?

Answer: “He wanted to separate His obedient sheep from willful goats.”


Question 4: “How can we choose to be forever among His ‘obedient sheep’ in Heaven?”

Answer: “We take The Steps to God.”


Question 5: “What are The Steps to God?”


Step 1: Realize that ‘Nothing comes from nothing’. We are made of ‘things’. We are surrounded by ‘things’. No ‘thing’ can come from ‘nothing’. Something came before ‘things’ and Created them. As St. Thomas Aquinas explained, ‘That Is Who we call God.”

Step 2: Reading and listening to God’s Word in The Bible.

Step 3: Realizing that Every Word of God is Truth.

Step 4: Understanding: ‘I have an immortal soul that is going to God’s Judgment!’

Step 5: Knowing that God’s Prophets predicted where and when His Son would take Human Form on earth.

Step 6: Understanding that His Son will Judge our soul on how well we have obeyed His Teachings.

Step 7: Knowing that the most important thing we can do is make decisions that will let us be forever among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

Step 8: Centering our thoughts, words, and deeds on Teachings from This Living Word of God: ‘And I say unto you, thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Step 9: Not allowing any ‘unholy vanity’ to keep us from being the best Catholics we can!”


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic.

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The best book of the last Century is “The Diary of St. Faustina”. It lets each of us realize how much Jesus loves our soul.
