A billion Protestants. 1 mistake.

. “Catholics see how big The City of God is in Rev. 22. The ‘twelve gates’ may be far smaller than this dot: . ”


Question 1: “What 1 mistake do a billion Protestants make?”

Answer: “They let Pride lead them disobey The Great Decree of Jesus Christ: ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in Heaven.’


Question 2: “Don’t Protestants believe in Jesus and in The Bible?

Answer: “Not that part of it! Protestants do say: ‘I believe in Jesus and The Bible!’ Willful Protestants are different. They intentionally choose to disobey The Great Decree of Jesus Christ.”


Question 3: “Why do Willful Protestants reject the only ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ that Jesus Christ left on earth?”

Answer: “Willful Protestants are proud to tell us: ‘Jesus has to let me into Heaven!’


Question 4: “What ‘keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ did Jesus give to The Catholic Church?”

Answer: “His ‘keys’ include The Seven Catholic Sacraments, Guidance by Church Teachings, and asking God’s Holy Saints in Heaven to request His Help.”


Question 5: “What happens to the souls of those who reject ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’??”

Answer: “Their souls can’t get in.”


Question 6: “Why can’t their souls get into Heaven?”

Answer: “The City of God is huge! Rev. 22 tells us it is a ‘cube’ the size of Australia! Only Catholics understand that the ‘twelve gates’ of Heaven may be smaller than pinpoints! Souls swollen by Pride cannot get through those ‘gates’, even if they could find them.”


Question 7: “How big is a soul?”

Answer: “Our soul fit inside us when we were conceived. We were smaller than a grain of salt! Our soul may be no bigger than a ‘holy photon’ that lives forever.”


Question 8: “If a soul is swollen by Pride, can it get through the tiny ‘gate’?”

Answer: “Souls swollen by Pride cannot get in. Hell may be the agony of freezing forever in the darkness outside the ‘Walls’ of ‘The City of God’.”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
