A billion Protestants ignore 14 Words of Jesus.

There are 36 Words in The Church-Founding Decree of Jesus.

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”

Catholics carefully consider Fourteen Words of Jesus that follow His first 12 Words.

“.  .  . I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”


“I build” means exactly that!  It is Jesus Who Is “I build”!  It is not some vain man with delusions of grandeur!  It is Jesus!   The Second Person of The Holy Trinity!  It is God Who is “I build”.

What does “I build”  actually “build”?

“My Church”!  Look!  There is no “es” following His Word, “Church”!   Jesus tells us that “I build My Church!”

Jesus promised to “build” One Church!  No Protestant can count that high!  They can count 45,000 denominations of Protestant Churches.

Protestants refuse to count to One!


“and” is the next Word of Jesus.  He is about to describe The Power of The Church He Is Speaking Into Being with His Holy Word!

“the gates of hell” describes every evil being and action there is.


“shall not prevail against it” is clear!  No evil will overcome The Truthful Teachings of His Church.  He Who is “All Good” promised Teaching that would stand against all evil.

It is The Promise of Jesus!  No evil will “prevail” over Catholic Teaching!

All Catholic Teaching will be “Infallible”!


The Profiteers of Protestantism do not want their donors to take That Word of Jesus to heart!   They do not want their donors to realize that some of their teaching has gone wrong.

Protestant Denominations used to uphold Marriage for Life.  They used to condemn artificial birth control that interfered with life.

They changed those teachings to attract donors.

Every honest person sees that “the gates of hell” did “prevail” over them.

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