“Hating God’s Great Gift of Birth / puts many souls at risk on earth.”
Question 1: “How does hating The Miracle of Birth put billions of immortal, human souls at risk?”
Answer: “Many people proudly say: ‘I believe in God!’ Believers in The Old Testament know of God’s Sixth Commandment, ‘Thou shall not kill.’ New Testament believers know that Commandment takes form in: ‘Love God and love your neighbor as yourself.’ Those who support the destruction of unborn neighbors live in willful contradiction to The God Who will judge their immortal soul.”
Question 2: “Imagine three souls arriving at Judgment. One is a Pro-Life Muslim. Two are from supposedly Bible-believing groups that ignored or supported killing unborn babies with chemicals or surgery. For which souls will ‘The Jury of Souls from Aborted Babies’ be ‘Crying out for Vengeance!’ in Rev. 6:10?”
Answer: “Every day, 150,000 immortal souls leave their bodies and go to Judgment. Every hour and minute, 6,250 and 104 souls go to God’s Judgment. 25% of them are Muslim. 17% of them are Catholic. 15% are Hindu. 12% are Protestant. 7% are Buddhists. .02% are Jewish. The rest are scattered among hundreds of other groups.
Question 4: ” Which of them will have the souls of 3,650,000,000 babies aborted in the past 50 years ‘crying out for God’s Vengeance!’ directed to them?”
Answer: “The Only Person Who Fulfilled over 300 of God’s Prophecies spoke One Church into being on earth with His Church-Creating Word to The First Catholic Pope: ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’, (Mt:16-18-20)
His Church teaches: ‘People of good will who are not Catholic through no fault of their own may get into Heaven.’ Those who were ‘Pro-Life’ have ‘good will’. They avoid the wrath of three and a half billion souls ‘Crying out for ‘Vengeance!’ directed specifically at them.”
Question 5: “What if a person is ‘modern’, and feels that having 3,650,000,000 unborn babies killed by abortion in the past 50 years while only 2.5 billion babies have been born is ‘acceptable’?”
Answer: “Every year, the immortal souls of 73,000,000 more aborted babies are added to those crying for ‘Vengeance!’ before God in Heaven. Every day, 200,000 more souls arrive, crying for ‘Vengeance!’ Their numbers are increased by 8,328 every hour.
May all be blessed to hear at least a faint whisper of their ‘cries for Vengeance’, confess every ‘anti-life’ sin, and receive Absolution from a Catholic priest. They are the only people on earth to whom He Who Fulfilled The Messianic Prophecies Promised The Power of Absolution: ‘Those whose sins you forgive on earth are forgiven in Heaven.’ (John 20:23). ”
Today’s Simple Rhyme: “May I love God’s Great Gift of Birth / and get in Heaven when I leave earth.”