A “Fan Letter” to all Catholic priests and religious!

Reverend Fathers, something amazing happened that makes me appreciate you, and all Catholic priests and religious, more than ever!

For many years, I have been clicking “like” on every favorable comment from Catholics responding to daily posts on the Catholic Fundamentalism Page.


A few weeks ago, I realized: “Our priests give each of us Communion individually.”

I can’t do anything to compare with That! But, I could begin praying “God, please bless __________.” every time I pushed the “like” key on a Catholic’s comments.

I almost stopped blessing individuals when I saw this Catholic’s magnificent name and had to say “God, please bless Rijo Kappamavunilkunnathil Mathew!” The results of praying for a few thousand individual Catholics by name every day recently resulted in these numbers:

180,000 people “engaged” with one daily post.

2,500 made “comments” (95% saying one word: “Amen.”).

1,200 Catholics “shared” the post.

Those numbers were compared with other websites, including Bishop Barron (what a great job he does!), EWTN (what a miracle they are!), and others with full-time Marketing Staffs. An old (77), anonymous poster in Portersville (pop. 200), had surprising results.


But, it was This Number that prompted the Fan Mail to all priests!

Only a small percentage (.025%) of the Page’s 2,100,000 Catholic “followers” come from English-Speaking nations!

Countless Catholic-criticizing comments mostly come from English-Speaking anti-Catholics. For over fifteen years, this conclusion is clear:

Most people in English-speaking nations are too confused by Protestantism to even want to think clearly about The Only Church Founded by Jesus Christ.


Every Catholic is a living lightning rod. We are targets for the anger that comes from the confusion of refusing to realize that Jesus Christ has The Power to Speak One Church Into Being with His Word!

“And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.”


Reverend Fathers, we are all respectfully, profoundly, and gratefully thankful to, and for, you. If you had not overcome the confusion of the world, none of us could have “life in” us.

Many of us who are not Catholic priests or religious are haunted by this thought: “Jesus knows. I should be a better Catholic.”

Thank you all!

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

Free books of reasons available on that site.
