A favorite, and lucrative, imaginary problem.

We have the great joy of swimming in a tumultuous sea of Imaginary Problems.  The biggest of the imaginary problems is still entwined with the Global Freezing/Warming Solar Cycle.   As most of us know, every 11 years or so, the sun has more sunspots.  Their increase indicates greater solar activity.  As they decrease, the sun emits less energy.

Greater solar activity causes more energy to be sent to the planets.  In each solar cycle, the Earth would grow slightly warmer.  Then, as the solar cycle moved along, the earth would receive less energy, and grow cooler.

In the early1900s, those who fancied themselves to be “intellectuals” got most of the information which sustained that belief from glossy news magazines.  On a cycle as regular as the solar cycles, themselves, the world’s news magazines would solemnly announce:  “The world is growing colder.  Will life, as we know it, continue?”

Large numbers of wannabe intellectuals would nod wisely on receiving this information and pass it along to others, farther down the pseudo-intellectual food chain, “You do know, don’t you, that we may all be dead and covered with glaciers in a few years.”

A few years later, the news magazines would make the same warning, but in reverse.  “The world is growing warmer.  Will life, as we know it, continue?”  Again, this information would be passed along.  All involved in the process would silently congratulate themselves on being knowledgeable, concerned, and “quite bright, really”.

In actual fact, none had the intellectual ability to remember that, a mere decade before, they had been deeply worried, and frequently, even passionately, shared those concerns, about the exact opposite half of the solar cycle.

Then, toward the end of that century, it became known that a lot of money could be made in these scares.  Up to then, they’d only been used to sell news magazines.  No more.  Suddenly, government subsidies could flow to the makers of solar panels, windmills, and various kinds of “bio-fuels”.  Political hacks could get rich!

None of these things worked efficiently, if at all.  No one cared.  The funding that flowed to them in huge, raging torrents washed out any rational objections.  Suddenly, the solar cycles were forgotten.  If it stopped getting warmer, no one cared.  Careers, departments, factories, whole countries were suddenly involved in printing and spending money to Stop Global Warming, even though it had, as always, stopped with the previous solar cycle.

Whole new frauds were utilized to prop up the erroneous notion that the earth was warming dangerously.  They continue.  Those involved are in two camps.  The first are passive.  They are those who are unable or unwilling to realize that so many people are making so much money with so many lies about a favorite, and lucrative, imaginary problem.

The others?  Many of them are making undreamed of amounts of money.   The price their souls will pay dwarfs the uncomfortable impoverishment they visit upon their neighbors.  The wonderful thing about Global Warming is that it gives us an opportunity to “do good to them that hurt you” and pray for their ultimate salvation.

We, at least, may build up some Heaven Credits while praying for the souls who have chosen to amass ill-gotten gains from a favorite, and lucrative, imaginary problem.
