A Great Sadness

When we compare The Church today with what it was a half-century ago, we can sense a decline. Monasteries and convents, important contacts between God and us, are disappearing. Catholic schools have been reduced and closed. There are barely enough priests to hold the line. We all know the tale of woe.

A Bright Side

When liberals seized control of The Church, they did what they do to every institution. They undermined Her with lies. Rather than hating them for the evil they do, Catholic Fundamentalists assume that they were just “doing their job”.

There are parallels in nature. When termites get rid of improperly maintained buildings, most of them die when they’ve eaten what they could not build. The survivors, like Noah and his family, leave the home they have ruined and find other unprotected structures to destroy.

There are parallels in government. No sooner had the French Revolutionaries destroyed France’s monarchy than they began to feed upon each other. Guillotiners became guillotinees as their savage quest for power in the name of purity drove them to devour former allies in their lie.

History shows us where we may be heading. Now, the West’s liberals have destroyed most of their classic institutions. There is a remarkable reduction in prosperity. Growing poverty is accompanied by greater bureaucratic demand for government jobs, salaries, benefits, and pensions. Bureaus are forced to fight more desperately for funding. They are fighting each other for shrinking flows of taxes.

When the disorganization that follows such bureaucratic battles reaches a certain point, it opens the door for a dictator. If, like Napoleon, he realizes that The Church is the foundation of all that is good and decent in any society, he’ll see that it is strengthened.

That will be a good thing.

If, on the other hand, the usual Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Ahmed Whomever, or Chaves seizes control, we’re in for pain. That, we may find, results in purification, which will, in a great test of our faith, also be a good thing.

Sometimes, it’s hard to believe that “God’s in His Heaven/All’s right with the world.” But, He is and it is.
