A Holy Mystery! Did St. John die? What did Jesus “order” us to do?

St. John’s Holy Body was not found beneath this huge Church built by Justinian in the 6th century), or in the smaller Church that preceded it. Is he still among the living?


Question 1: “Many Catholics have asked about This Holy Mystery for 2,000 years: ‘Did St. John die?’

Answer: “That ‘Holy Mystery!’ is presented to us in John 21:20-25. ‘Peter turned and saw the disciple following whom Jesus loved, the one who had also reclined upon his chest during The Last Supper and had said, ‘Master, who is the one who will betray You?’ When Peter saw him (John), he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about him?’


Question 2: “What is ‘The Holy Mystery!’

Answer: “‘The Holy Mystery’ is the question Jesus asked St. Peter! ‘Jesus said to him, ‘What if I want him (St. John) to remain until I come (again)?’


Question 3: “That is a ‘Holy Mystery!’ ‘What if’ Jesus did want St. John to live until He returned to earth?”

Answer: “That ‘What if’ is a clue to The Power of Jesus that helps us solve ‘The Holy Mystery!’


Question 4: “What does that ‘clue’ tell us?”

Answer: “It divides Christians into two groups. One group knows that Jesus does have The Power to let St. John go on living on earth until Jesus does ‘come again’. The others believe Jesus did not have That Power.”


Question 5: “Wasn’t St. John supposed to have been buried?”

Answer: “He was thought to have been buried beneath a Catholic Church near Ephesus, at the western edge of Turkey. It was replaced by an even larger Church built by the Emperor Justinian in 565 AD.”


Question 6: “Was the body of St. John ever found in either Church?”

Answer: “No.”


Question 7: “Did Jesus think we should spend a lot of time trying to solve ‘The Holy Mystery’?”

Answer: “Jesus told Peter, and all of us, how to deal with distracting issues: ‘What concern is it of yours?’


Question 8: “Did Jesus tell us what we should think about?”

Answer: “Jesus gave Peter, and every Catholic, This Direct Order in three words! Every person’s mission in life is clear: ‘You follow Me..

Catholics are the only people on earth who ‘follow’ His Great Decree! ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven.’

Catholics do not let any ‘Holy Mysteries’ distract us from being in The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church spoken into being by Jesus Christ.

Only Catholics obey His Direct Order! ‘You follow Me.’


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Simple Reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com

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After The Bible, every Christian should read “The Diary of St. Faustina”. That blessed book shows The Power of Jesus over human souls.


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