Catholics see 13 trillion light years Before and After Christ. #13.

Catholics connect 13 trillion light years before Jesus to His Catholic Church.

Catholics connect 13 trillion light years before Jesus to His Catholic Church.


Question 1:  “Do Catholics see 13 trillion light years of History with the light of The Last Prophet, John The Baptist, and Jesus?”

Answer:  “God is so real to The Catholic Race that we are in The Only Church Spoken Into Being by The Son of God to His First Catholic Pope:  ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 2:  “Why do those in The Catholic Race believe that?”

Answer: “St. Paul explains in Today’s Reading from Hebrews 1:1-6;  ‘Brothers and sisters:  In times past, God spoke in partial and various ways to our ancestors through the prophets;  in these last days, he spoke to us  through the Son, Whom He made heir of all things and through Whom He created the universe, . . ‘ 

The Catholic Race strives to obey The Words of Jesus well enough to get those ‘keys’!


Question 3:  “Does obeying Jesus let anyone be in The Catholic Race?”

Answer:  “Today’s Bible Reading tells us Who Jesus Christ is: ‘the Fulness of God’s glory, the very imprint of His Being, and Who sustains all things by His mighty Word.’

We call our Age ‘AD’, or, ‘Anno Domini’ which means ‘the year of  The Lord’.  Catholics also see ‘AD’ means ‘After Death’, referring to the 2,000 years following the 3 and a half decades that He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies spent on earth.”


Question 5:  “What did Jesus do on earth?”

Answer:  “He found men and women who would form The Catholic Church in what Mark 1:14-20 describes as ‘The Time of Fulfillment’ when ‘The Kingdom of God is at hand’.  He Who Fulfilled the Prophecies tells the First Catholics, to ‘Repent and believe in The Gospel.’

God’s ‘Gospel’ includes over 300 prophecies predicting His Birth in Bethlehem to a Virgin of The House of David, and that He will save souls blessed to be as Catholic as we can.”


Question 5:  “How did Jesus end His Life on earth?”

Answer:  “He let Himself be scourged and crucified because God loves us so much that He gave His life to let His ‘Catholic Race’ have and hold ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’, The Seven Catholic Sacraments.”


Question 5:  “Does that give us a new meaning of what ‘BC’ means?”

Answer:  “‘BC’ describes the 13 trillion light-year period Before Christ’.  The Catholic Race is blessed to see a new meaning to ‘BC’.  We correctly see the preceding 13 trillion light years as being Before Catholics’.”


Today’s Simple Rhyme:  “Everything in time and space / is here to help The Catholic Race / get our souls to Heaven.”

