There are no excuses for disobeying God in “The Age of Writing”.


.                             God made His Words clear in The Age of Writing.  There are no excuses for willful disobedience.


Question 1:  “Why is Human History divided into ‘Ages‘?”

Answer:  “‘Ages’ help us understand where we are in time.   The earliest human period is The Stone Age.   Then, The Copper Age was followed by The Bronze and Iron Ages when men invented ways to make things of harder metals.”


Question 2:  “Isn’t History also divided into BC, ‘Before Christ’, and AD, ‘After Christ’?”

Answer:  “That defines the time ‘Before’ God took Human Form on earth and all the years ‘After’ He did that.”


Question 3:  “Why did God wait so long after The Stone Ages began to take Human Form on earth?”

Answer:  “People had to know how to write and read before He could appear on earth!  We were not ready for that until The Writing Age developed.”


Question 4:  “When did people discover how to ‘write’ and ‘read’?”

Answer:   “The ‘Writing Age’ began when cuneiform writing was invented, 6,000 years ago.   Sumerians developed a way to write with wedge-shaped characters on clay tablets.   Their ‘writing’ evolved into ‘alphabets’ with ‘letters’.   They spelled out words and sentences in scrolls and books that were soon invented to hold ‘written words.”


Question 4:  “Why did Jesus wait until the The Writing Age to take Human Form on earth?”

Answer:   “He waited until The Prophets’ Words could be accurately recorded and spread by writing and reading Then, His Words and deeds could be accurately written down and precisely compared with The Prophets’ Words.   The Writing Age let a Miracle happen!   The exact Words of The Prophets and He Who Fulfilled The Prophecies spread around the world.


Question 6:  “Why is it important to have the ‘exact Words’ of Jesus?”

Answer:   “In The Writing Age, there are no excuses!   Everyone can read the ‘exact words’ of Jesus.   The soul of every person in The Writing Age is forever in Heaven, among:

1.  ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’


2.  Will spend Eternity suffering with the hateful hordes of His willfully disobedient enemies!”


Question 7:   “What is the most ‘Miraculous Word’ that was Spoken by Jesus and written in The Bible?”

Answer:  “It is The Holy Word with Which Jesus Christ, The Prophesied Son of The Living God, Spoke One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church Into Being!

‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’

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Simple reasons to be Catholic.
