A simple question: “What is The Biggest Problem on Earth?”

. Catholics do not want to fall off God’s ladder to Heaven!

Question 1: “We all want to know! What is The Biggest Problem on Earth?”

Answer: “Willfully choosing to disobey Words of God and falling off His ladder to Heaven!”


Question 2: “Why is that The Biggest Problem on Earth?”

Answer: “God is Love and Truth. When we disobey Any Word of God, we remove ourselves from His Love and Truth.”


Question 3: “Jesus did Fulfill The Prophecies. Should we obey Every Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “Yes. Every Word of Jesus is a ‘rung’ on God’s Ladder to Heaven.”


Question 4: “Did Jesus provide a way for His Word to be provided to us?”

Answer: “Jesus Christ Spoke One Church Into Being with His Word. ‘And I say unto you thou art Peter and on this rock I build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I give you the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven.’


Question 5: “Should we all obey That Word of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “That is The Only Church about which Jesus Christ Promised: ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’.”


Question 6: “Why should we respect That Promise of Jesus Christ?”

Answer: “If we meaningfully believe Jesus Christ is The Promised Messiah, we know that He is The Word of God in Human Form. If we disobey Any Word of The Word, we are disobeying God.”


Question 7: “Why is disobeying Words of The Word The Biggest Problem on earth?”

Answer: “Rejecting ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’ forces people to follow those who willfully disobey Words of God. They ‘fall off His Ladder’!”


Question 8: “All Christian denominations follow some Words of Jesus Christ. Isn’t that enough?”

Answer: “Willful disobedience to Any Word of Jesus Christ keeps people from having ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’. That leads to vanity, confusion, and soul-condemning disobedience.”


Question 9: “Should we all be Catholic? Should I be Catholic?”

Answer: “There is no other way to have the joy of ‘the keys to The Kingdom of Heaven’.”


Question 10: “But, I do not want to be Catholic! What should I do?”

Answer: “The Biggest Problem on Earth is where your immortal soul will spend eternity. You cannot solve That Problem as long as you willfully reject Any Word of Jesus Christ, The Living Word of God. Get on His ladder! Don’t fall off!'”

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Simple reasons to be Catholic. catholicfundamentalism.com
