A surprising question: “Can zombies get into Heaven?”

A surprising question: “Can zombies get into Heaven?”

First of all, what are zombies? They are the living dead. They appear to be alive. They think and talk. They eat and walk. But, their souls are shrunken and shriveled. Their souls do not receive the Divine Nutrient. Jesus told us we what needed to eat and drink to keep our souls alive and healthy.

Jesus repeated His Clear Call to Catholic Communion an incredible 14 times! “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.”


In the last half of the Sixth Chapter of John, Jesus repeated that bizarre command once for each of the 12 Tribes of Israel. The twelfth time He repeated it, those remaining in the huge crowd that followed Him said “This is hard!”. They left Him in John 6:66.


Jesus had promised: “I come to divide.” He divides those who obey “If you do not eat My Body and drink My Blood you do not have life in you.” from those who refuse to obey Him. Jesus divides the living from the dead!

The “living” obey. We, the “living”, have received His Body and Blood at every Catholic Mass since The Last Supper.


Those who refuse to obey Jesus are in two groups. Some simply do not know any better. Others willfully choose to disobey Jesus. They are smart enough to want to go to Heaven. Their souls are too deadened to respect Jesus enough to obey Him.

The real definition of Protestantism: “We willfully refuse to respect Jesus enough to obey Him, but we will get into Heaven.”


It is logically impossible to knowingly and willfully disobey Jesus and think we may be among “You are My friends if you obey My commands.”

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“New Road to Rome” may be downloaded at no charge from catholicfundmentalism.com
