A Test of Clear Thinking for Willful Protestants. 8

.                There are billions of people on earth!  Only Catholics Think Clearly enough to have One Guiding Rule!


Question 1:  “How did Willful Protestantism begin?”

Answer:  “Willful Protestantism began with Eve’s thought:  ‘I am as close to God as I want to be.’


Question 2:  “What is the next stage of Willful Protestantism?”

Answer:  “Vanity becomes God!  ‘I am as close to God as I need to be.’


Question 3:  “Do some Willful Protestants sink farther into vanity?”

Answer:  “The next step down is clear.  ‘No one can be closer to God than I am.’


Question 4:  “What happens after that?”

Answer:  “Self-righteousness drives Willful Protestants to seize control of Tribes and Peoples.  They pass the same law!  ‘It is illegal for anyone to be closer to God than we are.’


Question 5:  “Has anyone tried to have a government ruled by God?”

Answer:  “There have been been two ‘God-centered Governments’ in History.  Jewish people centered their government on God, His Teachings, and His Temple in Jerusalem.”


Question 6:  “What is the other ‘God-centered Government’?”

Answer:   “The Catholic Theocracy is The Kingdom of God.   One Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church was Spoken Into Being by This Word of Jesus Christ.  ‘And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.  I give you the keys of The Kingdom of Heaven . . .’


Question 7:  “How do Willful Protestants react to the two ‘God-centered Governments’?”

Answer:  “They try to destroy them.”


Question 8:  “Do all the people of the world avoid obeying some of God’s Words?”

Answer:  “Every Willful Protestant in the world lives on one of these three steps:

               ‘I am as close to God as I want to be.’ 

                             ‘I am as close to God as I need to be.’ 

                                            ‘No one should be closer to God than I am.’


Question 9:  “Where do Catholics live?”

Answer:  “Catholics live in the most amazing nation on earth!  The Kingdom of God has One Guiding Rule!”


Question 10:  “What is The One Guiding Rule that only Catholics Think Clearly enough to obey?”

Answer:  “We live by This Rule!  “We work to go to The Judgment of Jesus Christ and be among ‘You are My friends if you obey My commands.’

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