A Tiny Lie Among The Big Ones

A layer of shale a mile below New York and Pennsylvania has vast amounts of natural gas within it. Gas wells are being drilled into what’s known as Marcellus Shale. High pressure pipes inject fluids into the shale, allowing natural gas to flow more freely into the wells.

Five years ago, environmentalists were bemoaning the lack of natural gas. “We need more natural gas because natural gas is the perfect, clean-burning fuel.”, they insisted. It wasn’t a belief they lightly held. They firmly and intractably insisted: “Most of the environmental damage done to the planet would be eliminated if we would only switch to natural gas. Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough natural gas.”

Now, a plentiful supply from the Marcellus Shale have driven the prices of natural gas to a third of what they were five years ago.

Are the environmentalists happy?

Nope. The “magically clean energy” that was supposed to be in short supply turned out to be so common that entire states had so much gas in the ground below them that there’d be decades of energy surpluses.

The very same environmentalists who thought more natural gas would be wonderful are, today, whining and moaning about the supposed damage it “can’t help but do to the environment.”

That bizarre reversal of position is another indication that environmentalists basically just hate anything that works. They tear down hydroelectric dams, refuse to build nuclear generators, won’t drill for oil, and strive mightily to make us pay through the nose for wind and solar energy.

Their greatly beloved wind and solar projects always begin with rosy predictions. Their projects’ inevitably fail. Excuses and explanations are followed by requests for even more funding. When we look at environmentalists in retrospect, we see that they are addicted to telling bold-faced lies. Such prevarications are produced and spewed at an amazing rate. If the lies were given physical form, they could be piled up to form a fair-sized pyramid.

The Pyramid of Lies grows. It covers a dozens of square miles of labs, offices, computers, government offices, universities, foundations, lobbyists, etc. When we look closely at the Pyramid of Lies, it is astounding. People are living, or think they are, inside!

The Loving Programmer seems to delight in exposing environmental lies. The “Al Gore Effect” is well documented. It describes the sudden cold temperatures that descend on groups who meet to focus on the Global Warming lies.

Similarly, their former fondness for natural gas was also shown to be a lie when it disappeared as soon as abundant, inexpensive natural gas would make people more prosperous. “Can’t have that!”, say those who hate their neighbors.

When we think of God as The Loving Programmer, we realize that He reprograms even the most complicated operations in order to expose the liars He hates. He had England covered with snow, Minneapolis temperatures drop to 48 below zero, Massachusetts blanketed with blizzards, and gave us a month of freezing temperatures just to expose liars as liars and then force them to tell more lies?

The other side wants us to believe that only our excessive carbon emissions are capable of doing that. Opposing that position, Catholic Fundamentalists understand that The Loving Programmer is powerful enough to make it as cold, or as warm, as He wants. We think He let the environmentalists replace the communists just so He could provide more people with more opportunities to lie for money.

We also think The Loving Programmer can program natural gas into existence wherever and whenever He wants.
