Accusations of Circularity

Accusations of Circularity come out like the stars at night when worldly people come across any logical, rational way of finding that belief in God and His Church is so overwhelming that it leads people to believe that worldly things aren’t as important as The Kingdom of God. The consistent thing about people who have said that all the arguments for the existence of God, from Aquinas’s “Unmoved Mover” to Catholic Fundamentalism’s “God is the Loving Programmer” are “circular” and must, therefore, be unworthy of being taken seriously is that those same people will never allow the same argument to be used against anything in which they believe.

Those who reject God are a sad and sorry lot. Under the often gay and glittering surface, there is only the growing mass of sin. Those who deny The Loving Programmer are aware that many, usually including their own grandparents, believed in Him, and know that they may be wrong about every single thing they think. But, the sin and error can never be erased until the lost soul can recognize them as “wrong”. For salvation, not only must the lost soul realize that sin and error must expelled and forgiven, but also understand that there is a mechanism provided for that. Then, that heartfelt request for forgiveness must be made, at which time true happiness may enter and enlighten the previously darkened soul.

As we see by the hands of clocks, there is nothing wrong with circularity when it leads to correct conclusions. While our own perception of “correctness” is limited, we are programmed to have some awareness of errors within any closed system. Where we can find no errors, we may assume that greater truth exists than in those areas in which we can find errors. There are no provable errors in the Catholic Fundamentalism thesis: “God can program in three dimensions. He has programmed particles and energies, compiled them into systems and beings, and downloaded them in physical and spiritual form, where they operate together in the vast Creation Program that He programmed for one reason; to give free will to us human beings, His beloved free-will programs. Human beings are, in actual fact, so beloved by Him that His Son gave Himself to a painful death so that we free-will programs might know the joys of the Kingdom of God.”
