Through the Ages, many delight in Criticizing The Catholic Church

Through the Ages, many delight in Criticizing The Catholic Church for what they see as its flaws. In every age, doubters and nay-sayers point fingers, accusing The Church and those within it of various wrongdoings and shortcomings.

Catholic Fundamentalists understand that this is part of His Program, allowing goats to separate themselves from sheep. In fact, The Church is the Body of Christ on earth. Just as Jesus, God’s Program in living, human form, was maligned, insulted, threatened with death; finally to be scourged, beaten, and crucified, so must His Body on earth continue to be.

We see the malevolence directed against Her as a continuation of the process put into place by God’s having, as Zechariah prophesied He would, come to earth. It is part of The Program that His Body on earth continue to suffer the same outrages that were inflicted upon Him. Why would He want that in His Program?

Those who use the flaws of The Church as excuses to attack, criticize, and abandon Her put themselves among the goats, separated forever from the sheep by their own self-righteousness. They are unable to see that, from the bystanders who said, “Why can’t He come down from the cross and save Himself?” to the critics of today, there has been a chorus of the damned regurgitating the same litany of perceived flaws as excuses for their own apostasies, a cursory examination of which shows them to be repetitive, boring, and prompted by an excess of individual and collective vanity.

The flaws upon which they focus are largely the same from age to age, but each critic believes himself to be among the first to discover them. Such souls are so lost that they do not understand that the existence of such perceptions are an important part of The Program, and that their free alignment of themselves with the enemies of God is part of The Program.

Those who have taken their perverse delight in attacking The Church Who can save them make such obvious changes or reductions to their own souls that Judgment Day goes very quickly. What follows it does not.
